
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

When Grandma won't give it up

A man faces capital murder charges after he "made sexual advances toward" and killed his grandmother in Old East Dallas, police say.


I've done some seriously shitty things in my day but I can honestly say I never wanted to fuck my grandmother.


  1. My maternal grandmother, of good Swedish stock, was tall enough and wide enough that she would slap the shit out of anyone who dared to act up whether in or out of her presence. Otherwise, she was as lovable as can be.

    That boy in this story needs killing. He's just plumb wicked of the foulest, darkest kind.

  2. How did I know it was going to be guess the race..

  3. How come we don't play..... "guess-the-race" anymore? It's so much easier than Jeopardy

  4. How come we don't play "Guess- The- Race" anymore?

  5. When I worked as a guard, we had one white boy serving time who constantly stole his grandma's retirement money. When she tried to hide it he would force her to reveal where it was by raping her. Then one day there WAS no money, so he got mad and killed her.

  6. It's ok Kenny, it's not your fault that this low life had a hot granny.
    Actually, I hope he gets the treatment that a coworker of mine got, when he went to prison for life,as an accomplice to murder, for giving two others the gun.
    He was attacked during an attempted rape, and had both shoulders dislocated. The guys on the inside of the prison don't mess around when they decide they are going to do something.


  7. Waiting on the statement from Black Lives Matter that will never come.


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