
Friday, July 03, 2020

When nothing is sacred anymore

Multiple videos recorded after a Saturday prayer vigil in St. Louis appear to show Black Lives Matter agitators assaulting Catholics who participated in the event.

“Yesterday, while praying for peace and unity in our city and the protection of the St. Louis statue, Black Lives Matter protesters started to harass, berate, and assault the Catholics that were peacefully praying. We did nothing in retaliation,” Conor Martin, a candidate for Bedford Township Republican committeeman, claimed on Twitter.

Martin posted various videos of the incident that show agitators assaulting two individuals and beating them with sticks.


  1. "We did nothing in retaliation". There's your problem right there.

    1. If they had the cops would have stepped in to arrest them for the protection of the rioters and terrorist BLM members.


  2. They did nothing in retaliation. Evidently pussies are everywhere anymore. Sad that..

  3. The DA cu*t will prosecute the AR-15 guy while at the same time letting the terrorists go scot-free.

    The cardinal sin of the Catholics: they cleaned the trash and mess left behind by the St. Louis low-life, who object to common decency because they never had any in Africa. Next time there is an "historic" flood on the Mississippi the Corps ought to go in, bulldoze all the dikes, and watch the sucker get swept away all the way down to the Gulf.

    1. We don't want that trash down here.....

    2. No shit. We have enough northern leftist trash down here in Florida.

  4. He says they did nothing in retaliation almost like a badge of honor. I'm a Christian, but let me tell you what works better than turning the other cheek....a .45 with a spare mag. I'm done messing with these savages.

  5. The dimwit mackerel-Snappers can't turn the other cheek to savages cause all they get is the living crap beat out of them. Coexistence is not an option.

  6. Something about beat your plows into swords- anytime now would be good.

  7. BLM thugs aren't fighting for equality or justice, they are fighting because nobody is stopping them.


    Well, then expect more. Count in it.
    Me...i’d disembowel the fucking animals.

  9. Jesus Said, "Sell your cloak and buy a sword." Damn, sell your Mercedes and buy an AR-15 with 10, 30 round magazines and a Rambo outfit and retaliate!

  10. This shit keeps happening because "we did nothing in retaliation".
    Pacifism breeds further aggression.
    The correct response is to kill the motherfuckers.

  11. No, absolutely nothing is sacred, remember that when you flip the fight on them. Their homes, families, friends and pets are all fair game.
    We didn't start this but it's on us to finish it, permanently.....
    Head down,eyes open,moving forward

  12. Look beyond the violent, entitled, ignorant idiots in the streets. Pay attention to those who aid and comfort BLM.

    Who pushes the BLM agenda in the news? Who glorifies blacks and demonizes whites in the movies and on TV? Who funds BLM? Who defends them in court? Who writes the laws and creates the social programs that have weaponized so many blacks into self-propelled aggression and resentment units? Who writes the laws that criminalize self-defense, and who sit on the bench in judgement of those so foolish as to believe they still live in a free country?

  13. they need to be more afraid of us than we are of them . they are only 15% of the population .

  14. This is why God invented concealed carry....time to fuck 'em up and put the fear into their asses....make 'em think twice before they pull this crap....

  15. Maybe Jesus should have listened to this giant of theology, before he whipped the moneychangers from the Temple.


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