
Monday, July 20, 2020

Why This Vegas Oddsmaker Just Made the Biggest Bet of His Life on Trump

I’m Wayne Allyn Root. I’m both a nationally-syndicated conservative talk show host and a Las Vegas oddsmaker. Long before politics, I was dubbed by the media, “The King of Vegas Gambling.” I was good enough to be the first oddsmaker ever awarded a 180-pound granite star on Las Vegas Blvd on August 15th, 2006. It was “Wayne Allyn Root Day” in Vegas and the state of Nevada. You can see my star in front of Paris Resort & Casino.


  1. Start telling the pollsters you are voting for Kanye West.

  2. I can't support trump in my own house. And they all wonder why I am cranky. Women, you need to love them as there is no sane reason to keep them around otherwise.

    1. Before I married my last wife I told her the difference between a socialist and a conservative was education. She thought she was a socialist. She learned all about conservatism and now is as far-right wing as I am.

  3. I for sure hope he is right! Can't imagine the downward spiral we would all be on if dementia joe and his evil cohorts win the white house.

  4. I've said for many years now that I can't put a bumper sticker on my car because I can't afford the vandalism from the party of peace and tolerance. It's exponentially worse this time around. The only question for November is the extent of the Dem fraud machine. It's massive and well polished by now. We have to hope that the landslide vote overwhelms that.

  5. Greg, put the bumper sticker over that asshole neighbors Biden sticker.

  6. JamesD, the Goya poll is the poll to believe. The left tried to take Goya down, they lost biggley.
    The silent majority is gonna rise like never before.


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