
Friday, July 24, 2020

You have got to check out this video

A hero steps out of the mists to show us all The Way.

Police won't protect us. It's time to admit our only defense is self-defense, and the only help we can expect is self-help.

And to mutually vow to each other that we will never, ever convict someone for resorting to self-help, if we're on someone's jury.

Either the state will enforce the law and protect us, or we'll protect ourselves, and protect those who protect themselves. Period.

The officials sworn to protect the civil peace have instead decided to protect the bandits and looters and arsonists. Instead of prosecuting them for their crimes, they nullify the law and let them out the next morning.

We can nullify the law too, guys.


  1. There's a problem with this, admirable though it is.

    Who makes up juries in Chicago, DC, Baltimore, Atlanta, New York and every other Democrat shi thole in Americaa? The angry, the illiterate, the perpetually unemployed. Everybody else gets a pass. There are people in the jury pool who simply will not vote to convict a black defendant, or a gay defendant, or an out of control rioter.

    Jury selection is supposed to comprise an honest cross-section of the electorate. It simply doesn't work that way.

    1. So true. Juries are essentially the most malleable and stupid populous ever. So much for a jury of your peers as most are idiot window lickers.

    2. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
      John Adams

    3. I threw a jury summons in the garbage in about 1971 and I have not been notified since despite having been registered to vote and held valid driver's licenses in three different states since then.

    4. Sadly, I must agree with that statement. Two quick incidents in which I was overruled/thrown out of the selection process for a jury, one of them was grand jury. The first one involved a "strike three" DWI against a hispanic, who was looking at some serious jail time if he was convicted. Aggravated DWI (over twice the legal limit, he blew a .29 an hour after getting into booking) vehicular assault, and there were a large number of hispanics and AFWL's along with me. The prosecution provided dashcam footage that was clear - both visually and audibly - and what transpired was pretty cut and dry, but the guy ended up walking. The hispanics on the jury were very open about the fact that this isn't a big deal where they are from and the AWFL's felt that the main reason the cops were picking on this guy was because he was a "persecuted" minority and should have gone a little easier on him. I asked one of the AWFL's if she'd have that opinion if it were one of her children, or someone she cared about who was injured in the accident. She just gave me a nasty look and the dismissive one-handed wave. Yet another reason to repeal the 19th amendment.
      The second involved a malpractice case where the victim - who turned out to be a vet - had to have a large part of his right foot amputated due to what he claimed was malpractice by the doctor. Most of the other people in the pool were what you'd expect, room temperature IQ types who had little idea what was going on. As soon as the Dr.'s counsel found out I was prior service, he said I was "unsuitable" and wanted me gone and so I was.

    5. I was part of a jury pool twice for local court, both times a defense lawyer asked what I did for a living, told them I was a mechanical engineer (I like data and facts). Both times i was dismissed.

    6. My mom was called for jury duty. They asked if potential sequestration would be a hardship. "Oh, not at all," said Mom. "I don't work any more and my husband can cook for himself. I just spend my days campaigning for reinstatement of the death penalty." She was sent home and told to NOT return the next day.

  2. I’d say he was ready to get some! Would have been more funny if he had pepper sprayed the entire lot of them. I still laugh about your interaction with some demonstrators in CA. Good times.

  3. Jury nullification will be on the rise by an out of control judiciary.

  4. I am amazed that all the people in that traffic jam allowed less than a dozen "antifa bike patrol" idiots to successfully stop traffic. I will honk my horn some more that will help. Cowards

  5. Notice one antifag started to approach and help his buddy that got bitch slapped......

    But backed off as soon as the slapper looked at him......

    This civil insurrection is not going to end well.


  6. For years, we spent too much effort trying to get off juries. We need to try and get on juries.


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