
Friday, August 07, 2020

‘Afraid for my life’: Portland protesters testify before Congress

WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — Two Portland protesters, one a Navy veteran beaten by federal officers and the other forced into an unmarked van by agents in military fatigues, testified before members of Congress Tuesday about their experiences.

The virtual roundtable — called “The Bill of Rights in the Balance: The Deployment of Federal Troops Against the American People” — featured Christopher David and Mark Pettibone.

The latter talked about a night of protesting in Portland that he said took a turn for the terrifying last month.


  1. Freaking pussies!
    Threatening other people, fine!
    Setting fires, trying to blind people, throwing IED’s!
    But I’m supposed to cry because they got a TINY dose of their own medicine?

    1. Ever read the Declaration of Independence? "alter or abolish it"? It doesn't say how.

  2. Guaranteed, these weren’t random, the feds knew exactly who they were, and had damn good reason to pick them up!

  3. Maybe they should have stayed home

  4. YOU may be 'protesting peacefully' but doing so in the midst of mayhem is a poor choice. Prepare to suffer the consequences. Oh, you didn't think of that? Bless your heart, you know what is to have the world laughing at you.

  5. Whaahh, whaahh, whaahh, if you participate in riots expect an adverse outcome. Your "veteran" status won't protect you from your own stupidity.

    Rule 1 of spicy times: stay away from crowds, especially riotous ones.

    ...and low and behold instead of swinging from gibbets on the national mall, these two azzholes are feted before CONgress as heroes.

    But hey, ALL of our national representatives have the country's best interests at heart. Heh.


  6. Replies
    1. Shades of John Kerry, who rumor has it served in Viet Nam, before causing his own injury that got him shipped back to The World. Or so it is said.


    2. I served in the MRF and rode several time on the boat (landing craft) with one Petty Officer. His best buddy was with the river boats on which John Fuckin' Kerry served. Ran into him a few years back and he told of his buddy bein' willin' to stand for a Court Martial and testify that he fired the M79 round that wounded JFK. He was just sorry he hadn't blooped it closer. MoFo shouldn't have gotten a PH for that wound and would've had to finish out his tour.
      Inbred Redneck

  7. Actions Have Consequences.

  8. Woodchippers and Pig Farms

    1. Yes,yes,yes...let it begin!!!!

  9. "Federal troops used against the American people". Yep. That's pretty much the job description of the FBI, TSA, Marshals service, treasury department, IRS, and BATFE, Every day.


    1. See, it's good when Federal troops got used in the South in the 1960s, but bad when it happens in the Northwest in the 2020s.

  10. They haven't cracked enough skulls as far as I'm concerned.

  11. Be s shame if they hit their head getting into the van! Or tripped on the curb instead of stepping up. Damn shame.

    ... remember when they used to police like that and we didn't have all these candied-ass pussies tearing down monuments and fucking everything up?

    1. "remember when they used to police like that"

      We'd have been okay with that.
      - Zombie Ma Barker, Zombie Pretty Boy Floyd

  12. Until the NG shoots you, like at Kent State, quit yer whining.

  13. I was going to attend the first protest in Michigan against the Empress in Lansing, Gretchen Whitless. Then I got wind that some of the protesters were planning on bringing firearms and carrying them openly to the event. I immediately checked that off my to do list. Not because it is wrong, it is just wrong for me. I don't want to be involved in what could turn ugly, and end up in the first salvo of a shooting war that we don't need.
    The same thing for these cretins. They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into when they went to the so called " peaceful protest",and if they got their hand broke, or their eyes irritated, tough luck. Next time,pay attention,and don't go where you don't belong.


  14. All antifa should hang. Period. Marxist fucks.

  15. The sooner we start shooting these bastards, the sooner the assaults on public and private property will stop....

    1. Damn straight. I think it's rich that these so-called "protesters" are out bitching about the treatment they're getting for rioting! If you don't want to encounter LEO then stay HOME!


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