
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

And now she's a flaming liberal


  1. Left home at 15 with no formal education ( by her account, not even home schooled)
    and enrolled directly into college?

    I am calling bs on this one.

  2. Purdue is well-known for its engineering(all types) and aviation, and lots of red-pilled graduates. My two sons come to mind! ;)

  3. Yep, that's some bull shiznit right there. Her family didn't believe in education so she just got her some by breathing. Propaganda BS.

  4. PhD dissertation in what? Liberal arts, unlikely; sciences, possible- based on average time to degree in the respective areas.

    If she left home with no formal education (possibly an advantage) but could read, write, and manage math at what used to be 8th grade level, she'd be qualified at least for sub 100 level (that is, remedial) classes in college. A year at that-the material is there, and there is no limit to how fast you can go- and she'd be fully up to any current HS graduate if she worked at it. So, 9 years to a PhD. That's around 1-2 longer than absolutely necessary in the hard sciences for a motivated and hard working student. Three-four undergrad, minimum 3 in grad school if everything clicks. Still doable for a tightly focused individual, even with the current rules.

    Easily believable. Might be a fable, but 9 years is absolutely possible for a moderately bright, driven individual. For a motivated top 1% IQ, 8 or 9 years from matriculation to PhD is a walk in the park.

    And, just in passing, on what basis do you presume her politics?

    1. Your timeline is bullshit, my friend.
      Just coming from one who holds a Ph.D. in physical-inorganic chemistry.
      Thanks for playing, though.
      -Just A Chemist

    2. As a spouse of someone with a Ph.D. in the sciences I agree wholeheartedly with the Chemist.

  5. Further to her liberal arts PHD ... which means zero in the real world .... I say

    So What?

  6. It's in Organic Chemistry. Her handle on Reddit is hangry_ginger.

    1. Thank you for the update.
      Impressive, but her claims about growing up must be absolute bullshit. A 15 yo with "no education" would not be able to get through the general ed coursework, much less the general chemistry sequence. She is still very young, and given to absurd hyperbole about how awesome she is, and her conservative family is going to be used as her foil to attack. Maybe she'll grow up, but if she stays in the Academy, unlikely.
      -Just A Chemist

  7. First off, who is she? And second, why should anyone care?

  8. No matter what her politics are, this is pure BullShit.

  9. First, We're assuming she got her PHD from Purdue. I'll go stand in front of the gate and say 9 yrs. Anyone for 8? Second, Who paid for all of this education? Third, Taken at her word, she would have had to learn to read, write and master some math, depending on her degree. Fourth, At 15 she is still a minor. She would have to go to the courts to be emancipated. Or the courts would dump her in a foster home. Foster homes are not conducive to higher education.


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