
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Just couldn't wait to brag about it on Facebook, could you?

TULSA, Okla. - After a video goes viral of a woman slamming into the back of a motorcyclist, Tulsa Police say they will now ask for her to be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Police say the woman posted the video herself in what they call a case of road rage. Police say they initially wrote the driver a ticket a sent her on her way but that all changed when they say she posted a video of the incident on Facebook, bragging about it.


  1. Sorry, Kenny, but in this case I side with the driver, although posting it on Farcebook was stupid. I drive a lot for professional reasons, and I encounter far too many motorcyclists that seem to be vying for Darwin Awards. I drove thru Albuquerque last week on I-40 and witnessed bikers zooming past my 85 mph auto as if I was standing still, as well as a few passing between truckers at high speed. No wonder my physician friends call bikers "Donorcyclists".

    1. Um... you DID get the part about her texting while driving and swerving all over the road, right?

    2. So, it is okay to kill someone or cause serious injury for driving too fast? That means if I see you over the speed limit, lets say 10 miles over, I am justified in putting a bullet in your head. Nice to know God put you in charge of the commission of such a serious crime. I am sure all those speeding motorcycles are the only ones on the road facing a death penalty. No one driving a car or truck would commit such a heinous crime.

    3. I ride a bike and, while there are young invincibles who are future organ donors, that does not apply in this case. From the video, the biker was NOT zooming around at high speed. If he had been going that fast, he would now be recovering in a hospital after she rammed him from behind.
      Your line of reasoning reminds me of the libber who claims that because some men commit rape, all men should be kept locked up in prison - even if they haven't done anything yet. Because of course, they will - being men.

    4. Don't know what video you watched but the motorcyclist didn't do anything wrong from my point of viee5

  2. Sorry there anonymous, but YOU are one of the reasons bikers ride they way we do. If I'm passing you at whatever speed it's to get away from your poor driving self. Same with the majority of truck drivers, who are NOT professional drivers these days. I've been forced to ride "offensively", instead of defensively, due to the amount of stupid on the road these days.I have no intention of following the law if it means I'm gonna be put in a position to be wrecked by some moron messing with their phone or stuffing a cheeseburger into their face, or that thinks they are a self appointed traffic cop.

    As for the cunt in the video, she should be forced to use nothing more than a bicycle for a couple years

  3. Interesting how they don't publish the NAME or a photo of the driver, while they did publish both of the motorcyclist. Now I wonder why that is.....hmmmm.... All too obvious.

  4. Yet another case of "guess the race". BTW doesn't that biker look just like Chris Elliot?

  5. Can't remember if it was this site, or another - someone posted a comment saying that when you are leaving Tulsa and look in the rear-view mirror, you see a backward slut.
    Wonder if this gal was trying to perpetuate that stereotype?

  6. I have a leg held together with a plate & screws, because some fool in a cage turned left about 30 feet in front of me on my bike; I walk funny, hurt 24/7, & will never run again (nor even kneel to pray--I tip over) since 4/17/2012.
    If they gave this cunt a bullet in the head, I wouldn't shed a tear. She didn't hurt the rider, but not for lack of trying.
    --Tennessee Budd

  7. I don't automatically hate bikers. I do see some assholes, but less proportionately among bikers, than among Porsche, Audi, and BMW drivers. My prejudiced opinion. One problem I have is they are hard to see in heavy traffic, and do stupid things like lane splitting, which makes them appear out of nowhere, or hide out in my blind spots.

    The other problem are the gangs of bikers, which act like mobs of assholes and criminals, but mostly criminals. Especially the new gangs which include assholes on ATVs, that takeover urban roads.


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