
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Brownell's ain't shipping magazines to California either

Iowa – -( Hey everyone! John from Brownells, Inc. here! We have an update for all of you in California ordering standard capacity magazines. If you're in California, please read this entire post.

Initially, our review of the recent Duncan v. Becerra 9th Circuit Court ruling led us to believe we could ship standard capacity magazines to California residents immediately. Upon further legal review, however, we are not able to begin shipping right now.


  1. Never bought anything from Brownells anyway. Sure as hell wont now.

    1. I've bought quite a bit from them and will continue to do so. I can't blame them for protecting their business.
      I don't think ANY gun parts businesses are shipping 'high capacity' magazines to California but PSA and Brownell's are one of the few that issued statements explaining why.

    2. I don't consider Brownells to be the bad guy here, the insane liberal idiots in power of communist states will ruin a company with legal fees just because they can. It's a good start for Ca. but it's just a start.

    3. When CA passed the law of no loaning firearms, the state did allow exceptions. One of those exceptions is loaning is allowed, even to non-family, if on a recognized gun range or receiving instruction.

      Even though the exception is plain as day, Project Appleseed established the policy of no loaners. Their reasoning is that review of the law is it looks like a legal minefield. CA is 'governed' by idiots. Communist idiots. Communist idiots who believe the individual rights should be quashed.

      What would you do when the law is plentiful, not knowable, yet carries stiff penalties?

  2. I’ve never had a problem with Brownell’s and still don’t. I even like California. Lived there my last five years of service. I just can’t figure out how the Assholes in the major metropolitan areas run ruffshod over the rest of the state. Eod1sg Ret

  3. Given that the last ruling that would have allowed them to ship stayed in place an entire week, waiting 30 days for the ruling to become final isn't exactly stupid.

  4. Some layman random thoughts,
    They're all doing this. Technically makes sense to take your order and "hold your place in line". This tells me that California is a HUGE market. Cash flow is good for a business. A good business would invest and then have more than enough to refund Y'all if it goes bad.
    These odd times should reward creativity but along with that come the scammers. That's another subject.
    Caveat emptor, brothers.

  5. A mandate takes about a week to be issued. No biggie.


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