
Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Clouds of Summer Obscure the Coming Thunder of November

Apart from exposing once again the obtuseness, the moral bankruptcy, and the almost inexpressible hatred of the president that possesses the Democratic congressional leadership, Attorney General William Barr’s appearance at the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday clarified in a few minutes why the national interest requires the reelection of the administration.

From the refusal to allow the attorney general to answer the questions which the Democratic propaganda machine had assured the country would be unanswerable, to the almost unimaginable discourtesy of the bumbling and nasty committee chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.)—who declined even to agree to the attorney general’s request for a five-minute break—to the concise dismissals Barr was able to make when allocated time by Republican congressmen to answer the belligerent allegations of their Democratic colleagues; all of it demonstrated the extent to which this election campaign has become an exercise in make-believe.


  1. This is Tuesday, and it's "I hate Democrats" day.

    1. "I hate Demonrats" day. That's every day, no exceptions.

      You'd think that the Demonrats would watch some of the news clips from that hearing and say. among themselves, you know, we overstepped a little there.

      But Nooooooooooo. what do they do? They double down with their ridiculous demand for more, more, more bailout money to fund Demonrat shit hole cities, THEN blame Republicans for holding up the next round of bailout legislation using money we don't have. Totally illogical.

      Then you have Nads Nadler and Schifty Schits or that other paean of Califruitopia legislators, Swallowell, who wouldn't know or make a true statement if you paid them $10M.


    2. EVERY day is "I hate Democrats day" at my house.

  2. Don't forget though that IF they win they'll all start treating us with respect.
    (is that bridge still for sale?)

  3. "Those aren't roaches, they're raisins."

  4. The damn dems are making it almost impossible for the government to work. They all seem to be eaten up with TDS; I hope they all croak!

  5. Article is by Conrad Black, and I try not to miss anything he writes. He's one of the best columnists there is, and his vocabulary will stretch anyone elses. I usually find his columns in the New York Sun, National Review, or his Canadian National Post. Interesting that the Tennessee Star has this.
    Thanks for posting.

    1. Have you read his book on Trump? Well worth it.


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