
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Four indicted in Santa Clara County Sheriff concealed gun permit scandal

SAN JOSE — A grand jury has indicted a Santa Clara County Sheriff’s captain and three political supporters of Sheriff Laurie Smith for allegedly brokering a pay-for-play scheme in which campaign donations were exchanged for concealed-carry weapons permits. The sheriff herself avoided indictment, but prosecutors said Friday that their corruption probe is far from over.


The same thing was happening in Stanislaus County a few years back. In a county of several hundred thousand people, I bet there were less than 100 permits issued and those went to politically connected people. When 2A advocates got a decent sheriff elected, he opened it up to anybody and everybody that qualified under State law, and so many people applied that there was a year or more backlog before you could get one.


  1. How long before one of these cutouts decides to roll over on the Sheriff?

  2. I lived in Santa Clara County, CA, for decades. It was common knowledge that the only way to get a carry permit was to be well connected and make the appropriate donation.

    Sheriff Smith needs to be taken down, too. There is no way she is not complicit.


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