
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Hundreds march for racial equality through streets of KKK birthplace

PULASKI, Tenn (WKRN) — Hundreds of protesters marched through the streets of downtown Pulaski on Saturday, demanding racial equality and less police brutality in America.

“You gotta start somewhere, so why not right here right now in Pulaski, Tennessee with the history that we have,” said resident Rashada Holt.

Known as the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan, Pulaski is home to some controversial history.


  1. A minor correction to the article listing George Floyd as a "...recent shooting death..."

    George Floyd was a suicide.
    He chose to suicide through a massive overdose of illegal drugs while committing crimes against his neighbors and his community.

    1. and that is exactly why you were not invited to give the keynote speech tonight at the dumbokrat meetin.

  2. Racial equality, but damn it, we need a black something for VP.

  3. 6 lines into the linked article the author refers to the shooting death if George Floyd. With that big of an error up front, I didnt bother reading further.

  4. "Hundreds" looks like less than thirty to me.

    WKRN must be another Demonrat TV station, given to typical Demonrat lying in the face of ENORMOUS RECORDED evidence to the contrary. In the article they write that GEORGE FLOYD died from a "police shooting death(s) of George Floyd..."

    ...and these people think they should be running the country?


  5. There is a town in my state where-way back in the territory days-it was a bastion of the KKK for a few years. To this day the negro population there is less than 1%.

    1. Lafayette, the nearest town to my house, was a Sundowner town up until the 70s or 80s. It has a population of about 5500, with only 19 blacks according to

  6. It's one thing to hunt, but backing over an animal with a car and beating it to death with a baseball bat shows that you are not a human being.
    Obviously viewer discretion is advised.

  7. Rashada, Rashida, let's call the whole thing off.


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