
Monday, August 17, 2020

Indoctrinating your kids

Elementary school children returning to a wealthy Pennsylvania classroom in the fall will learn that sympathizing with police officers is racist.

Gladwyne Elementary School—located in Lower Merion School District, one of the richest in the nation—will require fourth and fifth graders to read Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, which claims that white people who relate to police officers or decline to watch the news are complicit in racism. The curriculum also assigns A Kid's Book About Racism to kindergarten and first graders.


  1. Decline to watch the news? In other words, if you eschew their obvious propaganda you're a racist. Any parent who allows their kid into this school should be taken to the center of town and thrown into the stocks, right next to the school board members.

    1. Actually the school board, the town council and Mayor should all be hung from gibbets on the town common.


    2. You have to remember, the school board is elected by the parents. They are most likely in support of this BS. Because they wouldn't want to be accused of being racist or something, you know. If Trump wins reelection, it just means that the Democrats have 4 more years to get ready to crash our country into a brick wall, and take all of our freedom from us, if we let them. Of course, vote for Trump, but also know that his election won't change the war being waged against common sense and freedom.



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