
Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Taylor Swift ripped into President Donald Trump on Saturday, saying that his “calculated dismantling” of the United States Postal Service (USPS) is an example of him trying to “blatantly cheat” the 2020 election.

"Trump’s calculated dismantling of USPS proves one thing clearly: He is WELL AWARE that we do not want him as our president,” the 30-year-old pop star wrote on Twitter. “He’s chosen to blatantly cheat and put millions of Americans’ lives at risk in an effort to hold on to power.”


  1. This is the same woman that everyone she ever chose has cheated on her.

    1. If you’re going to be a Democrat, you gotta like getting screwed over.

  2. When she said vote early to the democrats, she forgot to add "and often, and don't forget to dig up grandpa for his vote"....

  3. Just wondering. In order to provide extra support the USPS did she ever put a 56 cent stamp on any letter she mailed?

  4. "We"? Didn't this little skank poke her head out in 2016 the same way? Album sales must be slipping.

  5. Sad thing is, she's getting this talking point... babbling point? Whichever... she's getting it from the likes of Pelosi, who really ought to know better. They're either deliberately lying (again) or dumber than the proverbial box of rocks. Perhaps both.

  6. At present, there is no system in place that can assure a mail-in ballot is valid or secure. The US Patent and Trademark Office just published a patent by the USPS using “blockchain” technology, that makes mail-in ballots much more secure, but such a system cannot be implemented in time for the November election. Additionally, the dems won’t like this system because it requires the voter to have a computer to verify the code on the mailed ballot, thereby ensuring that the ballot is legit. They will claim that it disenfranchises voters that don’t have a computer.

    In any event, any electronic voting and tallying system is suspect because of vulnerabilities at many places in the process. The USPS’s patent onLy secures two of the vulnerabilities, and does not address tampering with the software or outright hacking the computers running the show.

  7. Dumb blond verifying a fact I've known since 6th grade. Dolly "BLM ass-sucker" Parton's next up.

  8. It's Taylor Swift FFS. Farts have more brains than this broad.


  9. ...and another Demonrat lie. Apparently mail boxes, like most other public infrastructure require periodic maintenance which is why there are pictures of flat bed trucks with mail boxes on them. They're being changed out with maintained boxes. Not to mention that Obozo oversaw ~10,000 actually removed from service because people don't use mail boxes a lot anymore.


  10. Used to be, I was embarrassed by stupid . Now, stupid pisses me off. The real stupid is not what those people say, but that they believe what they say. My wife said several years ago, "You can't argue with idiots."

  11. nonncom, that used to be the Sinn Fein motto in west Belfast. Not the only similarity either - people who disagreed with them disappeared too.

  12. Her music is a “is chosen to blatantly cheat and put millions of Americans’ lives at risk in an effort to hold on to power.” I fixed it for ya, ya no talent, stupid, little girl.

  13. As I've heard said, If you won the million dollar lottery would you mail in your winning ticket for collection or hand carry it to the Lotto office?

  14. These dems must either BE stupid or think that everyone else IS stupid to parrot these made-up memes that don't have even a grain of truth!

  15. I still say the little c**t looks like the c**t who runs Buttbook.

  16. Taylor Swift ?? Betcha she cant sew and she sure does not sound all that swift to me . Two lies in one name I guess

  17. Does the words "Dixie Chicks" mean anything???


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