
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Your Feel-Good Video of the Day

Two and a half months of rioting in Portland has yielded very little in the way of change on either side. The Democrats running the city continue to attempt to deescalate by doing very little and asking law enforcement to do even less. Meanwhile, the Antifa and Black Lives Matter “peaceful protesters” continue to burn the city down.

One particularly brave Antifa rioter decided to run from the police. Then, when he saw his girlfriend being arrested, he ran back towards them, taking off his shirt and apparently ready to fight. Instead of throwing a punch, local law enforcement showered him with pepper spray. And by shower, this wasn’t like a little canister opened up on him. He was absolutely drenched. Twice.


  1. It's a thing of beauty, it is.

  2. The perfect video for my morning wank.

  3. Looks like a can of bear spray was unloaded on him.

    He needed to be dragged on the blacktop for about 10 feet or so too, to ensure he had cuts and scrapes for the spray to penetrate.

  4. You can tell this is in America, as the police are not swinging truncheons as they take the hooligans down.

    Was a nice pick-me-up video, thank you for sharing!

    1. Exactly my thought, except "nightstick" was what came to mind. It would really be artful it the cops would use bolos to bring those punks down to the ground.

  5. A cup of coffee and a can of whip ass gets the morning off right.

  6. So elsewhere, this will be reported as a peaceful protest disrupted by tear gas? Regardless of the attempts to assault, and threats to the police...

  7. I've seen several of these from Porkland where the idiots seem to think the whole thing is a high-school fight. When it goes sideways, they freak completely out that someone has the effrontery to disagree with their bullshit.

  8. They didn't spray him, they marinated the idiot. Bwahahahaha.... And then he's screaming for a "medic".

    1. Joke's on him, everyone knows the correct term if corpse-man!
      - Emperor Obizzle I

  9. Would you like some salt and pepper balls
    to go with that threat ?

  10. Makes me feel all warm & tingly...

  11. Best comment I've seen about that video:

    > They doused that dude up like he was Miley Cyrus at a ßukkake frat party!

  12. WOW! Watching that video was better than having sex. Then again, at 78 waking up in the morning ranks pretty high too.

  13. Fucked around and found out feel good vid of the day. As if getting hosed down TWICE with industrial strength mace wasn't enough, he threatens to kill the cops. Really, really, REALLY bright. I watched another vid where someone else was getting hosed with mace and someone in the crowd shouts "That smells like bear spray." How would they know?


  14. Listen to them squeal like little girls.

  15. Wow, that's the first time I've seen pepper spray literally dripping off of somebody.

    1. I went through basic in South Carolina in the hottest months of the year. When we went through the CS bunker, our pores were wide open, and the DIs thought it would be funny to open the valves all the way. The night this particular genius ran at the cops, the temperature way hovering at about 100. I know exactly how he felt. And he deserved it.

  16. Am I the only one who *HEARD* his buddy's helmet THUNK against the power pole as they were taken down? That cop had a running start when he grabbed him...and then 'helped' him along for another 30 feet or so before impact!

    Better than the capsicum bath IMHO.

  17. Officer Usain Bolt for the takedown.

  18. Was this a couple days ago, excellent job with that spray job.
    Suck it up bitches


  19. Excellent after work humor. At the end there's a mist of green on the guy. Was he hit with a paintball of some sort?

    1. A pepperball, adding injury to insult.

    2. They lit him up with a total of 5 pepperballs.

    3. SteveP, "Just to enhance the learning experience."

  20. WTF was that smoke that seems to have come out of his pant leg while his broes were dragging him off the battlefield??


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