
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Meanwhile in Alaska...

Alaska Department of Fish and Game officials investigating last week’s fatal bear mauling near Hope killed one brown bear and three black bears, all females, near the attack area on Wednesday, the agency said in a written statement Thursday.

Daniel Schilling, 46, was killed on July 29 while clearing a trail about a mile behind his property off Mile 8 of the Hope Highway.


  1. And in Maryland...
    'That's how you get a bear killed'

  2. From the article: “An empty bear spray canister with the safety removed was found at the location of the attack, and it appeared that bear spray had been discharged at the site,”. Yikes! I've been to Hope and went hiking around there one time. I carried a .357 mag with hard cast bullets and hot loads. That trip inspired me to get a Marlin Guide Gun in .45-70. Even with that you have to be very very aware that a bear can just come out of nowhere.


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