
Friday, August 28, 2020

No, I Absolutely DO NOT STIPULATE That Kyle Rittenhouse Shouldn’t Have Been In Kenosha

It has become all the rage.  That is, to partially defend Kyle’s actions as probable self defense, but then to raise the following stipulations.  First up, Leon Wolf writing at The Blaze.


Go to the link and read the whole thing. I agree with Herschel.
Then go the the comments and read what Sheepdog wrote. He's spot on. That kid handled himself very well - he didn't cower, he didn't throw down his weapon and beg for mercy when he was being attacked from different directions, he fought back like he'd been doing that his whole life. Even when the attack was over, he didn't run - he got up, dusted himself off and calmly waked away.


  1. And after two nights of destructive riots, it ended. It sounds like our intrepid patriot performed a necessary public service.

    1. Nah. I'm guessing their puppet masters told them to tone it down. For now.

    2. That’s exactly what happened. Surprised it took them this long to figure out- you’d think it would have been obvious. They finally see that it’s hurting them so they speak against it. Pretty telling that CNN doesn’t actually condemn the action or say it should stop because it’s wrong, he says it should stop because it’s hurting the left politically.

      Meanwhile, they turn around and claim trump has been encouraging it, even though hardly a day goes by that either he or one of the admins front people doesn’t speak out against it.


    3. But,but, but they keep saying these are organic protests with grassroots support with no organization or organizers!

      I mean, Max Headroom on the TV wouldn't lie to me, would he?

  2. I always thought borders were just imaginary lines, and that no one is illegal... or is that just the national border?

  3. The headshot victim was a convicted pedophile.

  4. The boy is a fucking hero, he did what he had to in order to survive, nothing more nothing less. He even tried to inform the po lice but as usual they had their heads up their asses. The whole truth is if they were doing their damn jobs none of this would have happened.
    Don't start no shit, won't be no shit.
    But if you want shit, here I am
    Brig your best because I'm bringing mine
    Don't go off crying when it's done
    There's not a tear in me for you

  5. Yet, the best way to avoid a knife attack is to...
    Our young patriot did the right thing, totally. ALL Citizens MUST be free to walk ANYWHERE in this country SAFELY. In my pure libertarian philosophy.
    Still, going there at this time is a foolish decision. Just as I would not enter parts of LA or New York at any time.. heading to a riot zone in the middle of a riot is a fool's errand.
    If he were my boy, I'd give a good ass-whipping (and hopefully not get shot) for being such a dumb ass kid, and they we'd share a good pot of coffee and a slice of my wife's best cherry pie for being such a brave man.
    I am a bad father.
    But PLEASE, Why is it when some blm/antifa useless fuck gets their brain ventilated we all start forgetting the best advice Remus ever gave? Stay Away From Crowds.
    -Just A Chemist

    1. I miss Remus. However, if not now then when? Should I just wait in my basement until they come to my door to kill me? It is way past time to end this shit and that is not going to happen by hiding from it and wishing it to go away. This comes to my town and I will be there. Kevin

  6. I agree he has some big brass balls.

    Now show me the law that says its OK for a 17 year old to walk down the street carrying a loaded AR, or any other rifle or firearm for that matter, and we'll be in complete agreement.

    Go ahead, I'll wait.

    Maybe you need more time to find it on the ATFs website? I'll come back later.

    Look, I support the 2nd, I think whats happening in cities today is absolutely wrong and needs to be stopped. By armed citizens if the cops won't! But at 17, you are a minor, not a citizen. Sorry, you broke the law while defending your life. Socks to be you, should have stayed home and let the adults deal with it.

    1. I have a better idea - you show me where he's not a citizen until he's 18. I'll wait.
      Hey, I've known quite a few guys that joined the army when they were 17, and Ive known more than a couple that were emancipated before they turned 18, but this kid should be home safe in mommy's arms?

    2. See comment above. Maybe if those "in charge" were doing their job patriots would not have to defend life, liberty, and property from communists. I don't care how old tge kid was, he took action and did what needed to be done. Just keep setting on your hands. Kevin

    3. i was 17 when they handed me an m16, was i not a citizen then? when did 17 become a kid instead of a young man? the dims want to give the vote to 16y/o. besides kyle wasn't "walking down the street..." he was at a car dealership with other ADULT militia. when he did walk down the street was after being assaulted and responded and at that point evacuating the area.

    4. You have it backwards, Anon.
      Show me the law that forbids a 17 yo to walk down the street with a loaded AR.

      "The people may do anything except what's forbidden. The government may do nothing except what's permitted" is the foundation of ordered liberty and a basic Constitutional principle.

    5. Here the great mostly free state of Louisiana there is NO law that says he can't, also there is no requirement to retreat. If you have the legal right to be there then you can use deadly force against criminals who attack you, your loved ones even if the property your on isn't your own.
      Fuck the ATF, this is a states rights issue....
      Now Wisconsin law may be different but for you to ignorantly to say because he's 17 he's not a citizen who can protect himself is pure bullshit.

    6. I’m still amazed that a 17 young man (he’s not a boy, he’s proven himself), was able to defend himself while under direct attack 3 times and still be able to walk away! He’s done more than most adults could ever hope to accomplish in similar circumstances. Truly amazing. And yet, we’ve all been reading posts all over from the “armchair quarterbacks” on what he should or shouldn’t have done, or the legality of the situation. That young man would have been killed at the hands of those scumbags if he had not defended himself and he would have been a minor entry on the daily activities of the rioters. Cannon Hinnant anyone? People who are not defending this young man should hand in their man card and U.S. passport and go live somewhere else. Kyle Rittenhouse and his family are facing tough times ahead and we owe it to them to defend him now. God bless that young man.

    7. "Now show me the law that says its OK for a 17 year old to walk down the street carrying a loaded AR"

      Why should there be a law saying what a person CAN do? In a rational society the laws only tell you what you are NOT allowed to do.

      "Forbidden unless explicitly permitted" is the credo of the totalitarian, the dictator, the Politburo. And the people behind the BLM and Antifa festivities are exactly the same kind of people that were on the first Soviet Politburo.

      Personally, the lessons from recent events are:
      1. Buy legal insurance, as much coverage as you can afford. Legal representation/defense, even of a good shoot, is going to cost you an easy six figures, minimum. Unless you intend to plead guilty (in which case it will still be a five figure bill).
      2. Find a way to protect your assets so that they go to your family (or whoever you want them to go to) rather than the dirtbag you were forced to shoot, or his survivors. Don't be the guy who ends up paying out the ghetto lottery. "Tyrone was a good boy. He was jus peacefully mindin his own bizness breakin inta that cracka's house when that raycis muthafucka shot him daid! Ima gonna sue that cracka." And you just know there will be shysters slavering* to take the case.

      *slavering. Oops, is that a triggering word? It means drooling, slobbering, with implications of it being in a predatory way. Apologies if anyone is offended. I must remember to be niggardly with my vocabulary.

    8. I raised my right hand at the Chicago MEP Station just shy of two months after I turned 17 yrs old back in 85', shipped off to Fort Dix and qualified Expert with a well used M-16A1. My Momma signed the papers and as the oldest I had already been working where I could since I was Ten yrs old . As my birth Father ran out when I was One and my Mom was pregnant with my brother , and then when my step-Dad left after my baby sister was born when I was Ten and refused to pay child support even though he was the one cheating on her ,just like Sperm Donner.
      Sooooo I somehow had the mentality of a average moronic "minor" ? Hell the first time that I was ever deliberately shot at was when I was about five yrs old on a Chicago union strike line with my step-dad !
      The kid handled himself better then most pansy ass adults and and I could not be prouder of how he conducted himself if he was one of my own foster-adopt kids.

      The fault of those killed and wounded falls solely on the shoulders of the Commie sympathetic politicians and the cops not doing their jobs , yet they all are still collecting paychecks and benefits .

    9. To the anonymous troll that said show me the law where a 17 year old kid can walk down the street with a loaded weapon? Well assclown in both Illinois and Wisconsin it is perfectly legal for anyone 16 years or older to do EXACTLY what this bad-ass Kyle Rittenhouse did. He was 100% WITHIN THE LAW AS WRITTEN IN BOTH ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN. Don't believe me? got to's general forum and read the AAR in-depth analysis of the incident. The author cites the laws that WERE NOT BROKEN by this tough-ass 17 year old who did what he had to do and barely broke a sweat doing it.

    10. Pretty sure all you said was the young man is way more of an adult than yourself.

    11. When dealing with the lawless, there are no laws. Until Patriots figure that out, the commie anarchists are going to steamroll us. I suggest listening on youtube to Jerry Clower's "The New Bull" story, and pay special attention to the punch line. If you don't get it, you never will.

  7. Perhaps the Kenosha Police could consider employing Rittenhouse as a marksmanship instructor?

  8. don't-be-there is fine advice for SMall scale troubles, but this is the time to pull together to save society and our way of life, not hide in our bunkers. he had a right to be there or anywhere with whatever he wanted to carry. quit being frightened sheep and join MR. Kyle Rittenhouse on the front lines. if we don't resist and ultimately win this, life won't be surviving, nor will they allow you to survive for very long. we have to stop thinking small, they don't.

    1. Don't be there is the plea of cowards. If you don't show up at the green, so to speak, then may your chains rest lightly.

      I've been "going there". But not toting a rifle in the open. My friend and I have been going behind enemy lines and getting eyes on the organizers, their "leaders" who lead from the rear - who sit in cars and vans, and rarely ever get out of them, but stay on the phone and radio with their lieutenants. Their vehicles usually have out-of-state plates, or no plates at all. The black bloc antifa.

      I'm not saying get off the porch, but at least show up on the damned porch and support those who do instead of sitting at your keyboard pounding out "he shouldn't have even been there!"

      History may very well place Kyle in the same place as John Parker of the Revolutionary War fame.

  9. My dad was fought in Korea when he was 17 and was pretty much fucking fearless the rest of his life.
    They just wanna sacrifice this young man for the bullshit narrative we are all being spun and anyone with two working brain cell dismisses. Hopefully he gets the right jury and they clear him. He is in the system now and its gonna take a magic lawyer, which he has now, Lin Wood, to navigate thru the horseshit to freedom.

  10. My brother joined the Army when he was 17 (with our parent's permission). Didn't stop him from basic training and he even attended paratrooper school before he had an injury. This kid is a hero, not a criminal. Release him!

  11. As others on the link mention, I have the perspective of putting a mirror up against all the arguments about 'shouldn't have been there' and such. If a woman is raped, do you tell her she 'shouldn't have been there' or 'shouldn't have worn that skirt so short'? If she's a prostitute (doing something illegal) and gets raped, does that invalidate the rape?

    So what if the kid was committing a misdemeanor when he was attacked. That's a separate item. Charge him with that, but it has no bearing on the need to defend himself. If he'd just been on that street and found the rifle on the ground and had to perform the same set of actions, it's irrelevant about where the rifle came from if the action were justified. That's one charge that might be tough to argue, but the others appear to have a darn good case for self defense from a violent mob.

  12. In Illinois it is a felony to possess or own a firearm if you are under 21, also a felony if you are in possession of a firearm without a FOID.

    1. Okay, you do realize that Kenosha is in Wisconsin and not Illinois, right? Just because he's a resident of Illinois doesn't mean he's subject to their laws when he's in another state.
      That's like saying I can't loan an AR pistol to a visitor from California because his State doesn't allow him to possess one.

    2. Unless I'm mistaken he was not in Illinois when this went down so how does your comment have any relevance to the facts.


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