
Monday, August 24, 2020

Portland Police Arrest Man Accused of Beating Motorist, Kicking Him in the Head

Portland police arrested a man who’s accused of violently beating a motorist whose pick-up truck crashed near a Sunday demonstration.

Marquise Love, 25, has been charged with felonious assault, coercion and riot participation, and was transported to the Multnomah County Detention Center early Friday morning after he turned himself in, according to a Portland Police news release.


  1. I doubt we will see justice at a local level. I think this needs to be a Federal Hate crime.

  2. Now let's see how the prosecutor avoids doing his job in this case.

    1. If this guy walks, I predict a large number of flat Antifa/BLM'ers, because "fuck it, I'm not getting my ass beat for nothing".

  3. Turned himself in. My guess is that he has intel from the DA's office that he will not be prosecuted, or that any charges will be reduced to misdemeanor.

    1. Yup. He was id'ed as a member of a local "security" force. He's connected. NOTHING will happen to the skinny little shit.
      Unless, of course, local citizens decide that justice must be done, if the DA won't, they must. But in early 21-centuary FUSA, I don't see that happening anymore.
      -Just A Chemist

  4. Another high yellow trying to prove his "blackness". Sorry, Keese, you are still half white.

  5. Expected sentence if convicted of all charges? 50 lashes with a wet noodle.

  6. Arrest is one thing (but in honesty he did turn himself in), conviction is something totally different. The prosecutor is an admitted antifa sympathizer.

  7. On his(?) social media, he whined "all I did was fight him!". It was not a fight, perckerwood - it was a mugging. If your idea of a fight is to run up behind someone who is on his knees, already beat up by the crowd, and kick him in the head, you'll not last long in the yard. Just sayin'.

    The comments here about the feckless commie DA are correct. Mike Schmidt will not prosecute, or he will reduce the charges.

  8. From a comment by Davy @ IOWTReport:
    "How come nobody mentions the fact that the only reason he was in the area was because he was marching in a BLM protest earlier? He was marching for BLM and was almost killed just for being white! This is the most awesome example of schadenfreude ever!"

    The more you know......


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