
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Shit, Memphis thugs will eat those feds alive

Federal officials late last week announced an initiative, Operation Legend, to fight violent crime in Memphis and St. Louis.

“The most basic responsibility of government is to protect the safety of our citizens. Today, we have extended Operation Legend to Memphis and St. Louis, two cities experiencing increases in violent crime that no resident of those cities should have to accept as part of everyday life,” Attorney General William P. Barr said in a statement.


  1. I lived in Memphis 20 years ago, and I now live in St. Louis. My 45 yr old memory says Memphis was far worse then than STL is now. STL has small pockets of shithole areas. Memphis is one big shithole.

  2. I kinda doubt the Feds will operating with ROEs that will help make a difference.
    Now, if it was Prez Clinton using the same method he used for Waco......


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