
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

'Teen' kills a man, gets sentenced to Anger Management classes

John Weed was enjoying the Frederick County, Maryland, Fair last September when a group of teens surrounded him and beat him to death. One of the two brothers involved who later spat on Weed’s lifeless body has now been sentenced by the judge. Did he get the death penalty, which is what Weed suffered in front of his own family in broad daylight at a rural county fair? Nope, he was told to report to anger management class. Welcome to justice in America?


  1. The baby chimps and all family members need to assume room temperature. 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning. All of them!
    Awww I’m joking here, it’s taken from a movie script.

  2.'s not just for breakfast anymore!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. Sounds like good precedent for the kid in Kenosha. Sentence him to marksmenship training, 2 out 3 ain't bad, but I feel with more training he could go 3 for 3!

    Matt in KY

  4. and the 17 year old patriot that shot at animals in CLEAR CUT self defense is being charged with 2 counts of murder...but he's white...must be his 'privilege'.

    1. There are more and more judges and prosecutors who need elimination.

  5. Seems like counter-terror/tit for tat responses are warranted.

    *repeats Traditional America's mantra until common sense passes*
    Not who we are...
    Can't sink to their level...
    Not who we are...
    Can't sink to their level...

    1. At the same time the left is antiphonally chanting two things.

      The woke "moral" scold says: You're better than that!>

      The useful idiot screams: You're an "anti-" an "-ist" and a "phobe"!

  6. Anyone want to bet he doesn't make it to any of those sessions?

  7. If you try to find a photo of John Weed, or his murderers, it’s difficult, but there was a video of the murder. But the video was tagged as the murderers being the victims of a white supremacist Calling them names and antagonistic overtures. The murderers were just defending themselves. What a load of shit. These scum should have to serve time not anger management.

    1. They should really be fed into a woodchipper feet first.

  8. It's frederick, maryland. There's a reason I moved from that shithole in 2000 and hate going there for any reason. It's nothing more than a suburb of District of Criminals and Baltiwhore, with all the filth from both. Used to be "Clustered Spires", then "Clustered Yuppies", now it's just clustered fucks. Lived downtown for 3 years, so damn glad I moved.


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