
Monday, September 07, 2020

Both suspect and victim in Portland protest killing had guns, documents say

Both the suspect in the slaying of the right-wing protester in Portland, Oregon last weekend and the victim had handguns when their confrontation started after dueling street demonstrations, according to court documents made public Friday.

The documents said victim Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a supporter of a right-wing group called Patriot Prayer, was wearing a loaded Glock pistol in a holster and had bear spray and an expandable metal baton when someone said something like “wanna go,” which is frequently a challenge to a fight.


Of course what the article neglects to mention is Mr Danielson was licensed to carry his handgun while Reinoehl wasn't.

And then of course, there's this:

The documents, released the day after Michael Reinoehl was killed by federal agents as they tried to apprehend him in Lacey, Washington, suggest Reinoehl obtained the gun he used to kill Danielson from his son in exchange for a quarter-pound of cannabis and $100.


  1. Somewhat of a moot point now since the commie became a good commie, but how was it 2nd Degree murder when the commie clearly "lay in wait" for the victim? That clearly shows premeditation.

    1. I've been wondering the same thing myself.

    2. Not just that. It shows conspiracy to commit murder for every member, leader, and sponsor for Antifa. We will need to bring back firing squads to serve them all.


  2. Danielson's friend says that the Antifa kill team members from the black Charger planted a gun on Danielson as they pretended to give aid immediately after the shooting.

    The friend says neither he nor Danielson were armed.

    1. So how did they create his ccl that matched the gun?

    2. Has anybody seen the "court documents" that were "made public" Friday? I've done a pretty thorough search, all I've found is the same story Kenny linked to above. Repeated word-for-word: unnamed "authorities" and "court documents". Corrupt Portland DA planting a fake story?
      -Mike G

    3. Update: found the "court document", and yes it's the information from antifa-loving Portland DA Mike Schmidt. Three of the four witnesses quoted in the "document" were members of the kill team.
      -Mike G

    4. I don't know which state he had his CCP through, but in Washington and I think OR as well, they are not tied to any certain firearm.
      Just like our driver licenses are not tied to a certain vehicle.

  3. The killer had no angle to see victim. This was a command and controlled kill. Watch for ear pieces, and chest mics in the background. You will see the controllers if you look.
    Steve in Ky

  4. When someone tells you “We’re going to f***ing kill you”, believe them. At that point, all bets are off and it's Weapons Free.

    And Anonnymous, it might be interesting to see a trace on that Glock.

  5. This guy does open source intel analysis. Complete with transcripts and enhanced video.

    1. J-Dog, Oswedo's analysis is excellent. But I think he goes too far to say the kill team's execution was alarmingly good. No need for alarm, we do things better in America. Years of video game and thriller movie training. It's going to be a dandy war.

      -Mike G


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