
Friday, September 11, 2020

Civilian Defense Force

 American patriots have sat quietly as our country has burned.

No more.

We’ve watched as the enemies of America have trashed our cities, erased our history, emasculated our police, assaulted and killed our fellow citizens. We’ve felt sickened and weak, wanting to help but not really knowing how.

But we can’t just sit and do nothing anymore. America needs for US to stand up.

Now we can.




If you're not into joining organizations, at the very least you should be getting together with your neighbors and making defensive plans.


  1. Who are these people? Anyone familiar with their organization?

  2. I'm doing the latter, formulating a loose-knit neighborhood watch organization, made up of old veterans and former law-enforcement guys. Between us, we could probably arm a few platoons. As to the link to the Civilian Defense Force, ummmm... I'm leery of such things, for all I know it could be a honey trap to identify folks like us, PLUS I've never heard of them before. Don't just automatically trust anything that sounds good until you know more -- A LOT MORE -- about them.

    1. Civil defense force was a govt thing in the 60s, but agree... smell a honeypot.

    2. I am thinking Scammy sam!!! grayman

  3. I immediately thought of night watch from the Babylon 5 TV series

    1. damn good show.

      "the avalanche has already started. it is too late for the pebbles to vote" Ambassador Kosh

  4. Infiltrated and directed by Feds no doubt.
    How does 15 years in a Federal prison sound.
    Ya. Patriotic, Yeah sure.

  5. Looks so generic I'm questioning who this information is going to. NSA, BLM, NWO, UN, Bilderbergs?

  6. Registrar Contact:
    PO Box 639
    Kirkland, WA

  7. It smells like a Deep State FBI sting op

  8. You recall the joke in the 90's "Who is the "Narc" in the militia movement?..the answer is "the guy who's dues are paid up current......"

  9. Most likely a ruse by the swamp to identify enemies of the left to be singled out for future attention when they succeed in their current coup attempt. Be the "grey man"....
    If you must act do so anonymously, in an informal solo method or in concert with others you KNOW can be trusted.

  10. It sounds like, but much more formal, that the American Contingency organization being setup by former Special Forces guy, Mike Glover. His organization is more about local networking, passing local & regional/national intel, and training.

    If you're interested you can read up and do research at their website.


  11. This is by design. As long as there is doubt and mistrust (with good reason)getting or being organized to resist what seems to be destruction of America will never happen in great numbers. They can slowly deal with the lone wolves which is what we all really are.Sad.

    1. Not necessarily true. Ten thousand, a hundred thousand, maybe a million lone wolves can retake the country. Or at first start, parts of it. For an example, just take a look at Afghanistan. We have had troops there for maybe 20 years? And the Russians were there fighting the Afghans before that? And still the Afghans do as they have always done. Why don't we have the same mentality, the same drive for freedom. So many of you are ready to just fold up and give in to the commies.

  12. Why does that link take me directly to the FBI counterterrorism center site??

    (Just kidding)

  13. Sign up your neighbors who have the "Hate Has No Home Here" and "Black Lives Matters" signs on their yards.

    You do know who they are, because your local accountability lists are current, right? (Not that I have a list; around here NOT having such a sign is an exception....)

  14. I am more involved with my neighbors. I don't really have a plan on leaving my own area, to head out and fight elsewhere, and leave my family unprotected. I do have a son, who lives in the woods, in a self contained log cabin,wood heated with geothermal heating and cooling, 20 acres, that he has offered to allow my wife, my 23 year old, semi handicapped daughter, and myself, to come and live with them, if things get as bad as they could get. I don't want that to happen, but it is nice to know that I have options. Plus, neighbors that feel the same way that I do, and will help protect our neighborhood. Antifa and BLM have the backing of Soros, and perhaps Bloomberg, but while they are trained to run towards the gunfire, you can bet that most of the socialists on the left, will not run into the face of sustained gunfire.


  15. I don’t join organizations with my real name or address since having joined The Tea Party. Was audited by the IRS 3 out of 8 years of Obama admin. Never Had been audited before or since. Assholes put a lean on everything we had all for $689.00. Fuk the feds!

  16. A little late to the party here... I'm one of the moderators on that site... It is not a honeypot (of course the FBI would also say that, so... )

    It is similar to American Contingency, in fact, they announced it a few days after we went live with our stuff. And since Mike Glover is a little more famous than me, it seems to be doing well.

    For those that didn't read through.... We are not a "militia" or anti-government, or anti-cop... In fact there a few current law enforcement members active with us. The FBI can watch all they want, because there is nothing untoward that we will be supporting.

    It is about getting local groups active working on lawful self defense... If that isn't your cup of tea, then we probably not for you.


  17. I figure that militia groups will probably form if and when they are needed. But people are keeping their heads down until the violence comes their way. Then they will start forming self-defense groups. I sincerely doubt that the violence will even get anywhere near small towns in the midwest or anywhere near rural America in general.

  18. Well organized militia groups do not recruit, especially on the internet. loose lips sink ships

  19. Local Local Local - if you don't know your neighbors, you are way behind the curve. It helps when most of the neighbors are flying the Stars and Stripes and the Gadsden flags outside their homes.

    I remember the 90's well. A group tried to recruit me, and didn't like it when I asked why everyone had a field grade rank. Who were the Indians? They were all chiefs. Turned out they got busted trying to derail an Amtrak train, and it was revealed there were only a few true believers. The group was about 90 percent UC's and CI's.

    As I told folks during the Bundy show in Nevada - I don't need to go there, I have plenty of those sons-a-bitches right here.


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