
Friday, September 11, 2020

Because White supremacists are the ones rioting and destroying property, right?

White supremacists will remain the most "persistent and lethal threat" in the United States through 2021, according to Department of Homeland Security draft documents.

The most recent draft report predicts an "elevated threat environment at least through" early next year, concluding that some U.S.-based violent extremists have capitalized on increased social and political tensions in 2020.


  1. This is CNN... don't step in the journalism.

  2. Started to read this and found it hard to believe until I saw that it was a California NEWS station. No need to read that trash except to see how far they have fallen.

    1. It's a DHS report.

      This is what our "govt" is saying.

      Interestingly Candace Owens addressed this very topic to congress - up against a couple white karens (repetitive I know) - CO shuts them DOWN.

  3. So, setting the groundwork. If anyone responds to BLM/Antifa, it's a hate crime. Politics as usual.

    1. And setting the stage for future genocide, if need be. If knees don't bend, throats will be bared...

  4. Maybe the DHS is right?
    Think very hard about this for a few minutes. CA has posted the [dark] meme a few time with the image of Clint Eastwood from "Gran Torino" sitting on the porch with the caption "Just wait until the people that just wanted to be left alone get involved."
    Sure there are *a lot* of pussy white folks cucking themselves to BLM. There a also *a lot* of white/hispanic/asian/middle eastern men with guns that are getting real fucking sick of being called "racist" in the total absence of any evidence to the fact.
    I said a few days ago to my wife something to the effect of, "if you call somebody something enough times, some of them either start to believe it, or figure 'screw it, then that's what I'll act like.'"
    Do you think these types of people are going to forget the fucking enablers in the city hall? In the {cough}Oregon state Offices? In the plush DC office?
    Yea... angry white people could turn into a big threat in a short time. Of course, I do not in any way subscribe to, agree with, or condone the actions I described above. I'm only writing of a hypothetical individual, living is a city -useless beyond it's ability a provide a paycheck- in the flyover country.
    -Just A Chemist

  5. It's not really about "news", it is again about pre-positioning a narrative. Taken in the context of the rising drumbeat of BLM and Social Justice propaganda this is one more step to label folks that refuse to join the mobs and drink the Koolade. Same vein as "deplorables, enemies of the state" etc. This is simply to acclimate people people to the terms of engagement that will used to label and punish those that do not choose to bend the knee to Marxists. They always pre-position the coming coming narrative, get people used to hearing it, maybe believing it, and proceed with the next steps.

    1. BINGO!!!
      Read this. Grok this. Know what is coming

  6. Why yes they are , considering that the KKK , BurnLootMurder , the fascist antifascist and the white supremacist are all off shoots of the democratic party we would need to be sure to ask them about this. They seem to be almost as upset as they were when they had their slaves taken away and yet refuse to mention why exactly why other than everything is waysist.

  7. They are making a “self full-filling prophecy “
    They warn of “white supremacist”
    While vilifying, attacking, and even killing white people. Then when we fight back, it’s “see we told you!”
    And they bring the entire weight of the federal government down on you.
    If joe does get elected. It will be the insurrection act. You will be fighting federal troops.
    Remember that congressman saying “we got nukes”
    We’ll face everything short of nukes.
    And I’m all out of anti-tank rockets!
    Got any you can loan me?

    1. Do you think the Federals will open fire on their OWN people in their OWN country? Block roads and the cities starve, blow bridges and make it dangerous to try and repair them. Blow electric transformers and the cities die in darkness, blow water pumps, dams and reservoirs and the cities burn. The National Guard live with the people, Cops too, are you sure they would take the Government side? Logistics is not on the Government side, fuel and spares need delivering, wreck a train line and that stops. Remember, Lawrence of Arabia brought a Germen supported ally, Turkey, to its knees just by blowing railways, arguably won the war in the east single handedly, got in with the people and fucked the Government royally. When a helicopter pilot can be blinded by a $50 laser, when those expensive anti tank rockets are actually fairly useless against a few dispersed marksmen, when your DHS brass dont dare leave their compounds, because NONE OF THEM COME BACK, then all your squealing on your tame media shows means fuck all.

    2. And what makes you think they won't once we have been painted\slandered as enemies of the state?
      A good part of the MIL is honest patriotic Americans, but many are out right commies like most of the left.
      And in a way they are correct, we ARE a 'most "persistent and lethal threat"' the leftist commie Marxist a-holes that want to "fundamentally change" the USA.

    3. Robert, throughout the history of the US, every time Federal troops have been deployed against the citizens of this country and then ordered to shoot, they have opened fire. Every. Time.

  8. DHS is firmly on the side of our blm/commie enemies.

  9. Part of the on-going propaganda campaign that can be run when you control all the main stream media. A campaign that has been going on since Trump received the nomination. He is not part of the Military-Industrial-Complex/Deep State/People-behind-the-curtain who have been running the country since WW2.

    1. People behind the curtain

      Théoden's reply to Saruman is appropriate regarding those people: "[Even if you were] ten times as wise you would have no right to rule me and mine for your own profit as you desired."

  10. The new definition of "White Supremacist" is a conservative with a gun. Even if that person is black. Personally, I expected all the agencies defined by 3 letters to wage war against us when the SHTF. And I'm good with that. Just keep the military out of it.

  11. If you remember back a few years, DHS under Blobama classified both military veterans and conservative patriots as possible terrorists. So it should not come as any surprise that now, it is White Supremacists who are the countries terrorists.
    I have a friend from high school who is getting rid of his entire gun collection, and over 18,000 rounds of assorted ammo. He is holding an auction on Oct.3. He has guns like Winchester lever actions in unusual calibers, such as 38-55 Winchester, 32-20, I think 35 Remington. Plus he has several handguns, with a reserve on only 2 of them, I don't know which ones, but he does have a Sig 226, and from the picture, it looks like it is in good shape, so that is most likely one of the reserve priced ones. I haven't looked closely at the guns,but I plan on doing so, because I want another rifle, other than the bolt action deer rifle that I have, as a defensive rifle. If I could pick up a 30-30 no matter what the model, that would serve quite well for the type of defense that I would need, hoping that we don't face a huge civil war, in which case, a modern sporting rifle would be needed, and would have to be found, bought, or borrowed, which is a possibility, with several friends who have more than one AR or AK that probably would be willing to supply one to someone who is fighting to save our country from leftist socialists, who want to tear down the country.


  12. When black people get agitated, they burn down their neighborhood, including their own black owned businesses, or their city or town.

    When white people get agitated they burn down continents.


    1. The most important thing to remember about these "reports" coming out of various .gov agencies is that they are generated, to this day, by people that were put in place by Oblamo.

      So, any conclusions drawn by these "reports" should be viewed through the lens that these people hate President Trump and his supporters, conservative white nationalists for the most part.

      We should all know by now that these people are under the direction of and fully support the Demonrats and will publish anything that vilifies any person or group that doesn't subscribe to their view of how things ought to be.


    2. Nemo, you nailed it. Amen.

  13. As long as they understand that the White Supremacist's have always been and are NAZI Fascists (a form of socialism/communism) since the 1950's that democrats supported and emulated including today. And also KKK created by the democrat party to "encourage" blacks to vote only democrat. Ever wonder why you did not hear much about them since the mid 1980's? They no longer had a purpose since blacks were voting almost exclusively democrat. Which U.S. Party has devout Socialists in their mix?


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