
Friday, September 11, 2020

Cop rescued by slew of black bystanders who beat the hell out of black suspect for attacking the officer

In a stunning rebuke of Black Lives Matter’s demonization of white police officers, a group of young black men intervened to rescue a cop after he was viciously beaten while arresting a black suspect.

It’s unclear where the incident occurred, but the video underscores two important themes: One is how dangerous it is to be a cop and why arrests sometimes escalate into scuffles.

The second is the erosion of Black Lives Matters’ goal to get all black men to hate the police.

In this surprising video, a white cop approaches a black male suspect. The suspect resists arrest, and the two begin wrestling.

The white police officer then falls to the ground and the suspect starts punching him.


  1. I have a lot of brothers that happen to have black skin. I waded into hell with them and we always had each others backs. The media likes to ignore these upstanding American patriots. Men such as myself that get a tear in their eye when the anthem is playing and our flag is flying high. They do not fit in the fake media narrative. Thanks for the video.

  2. I have said before, that some of my very closest friends are black men. And I would trust them not only with my life, but with the lives of my family members, including my grandchildren, as well.
    We often tend to judge people by race, which is simply not fair. We should judge them by character, which is how I myself would prefer to be judged. There are many decent black men and women, and many decent white or other color men and women. There are also a large number of bad people of all colors. Right now, the BLM gets all the tv coverage.

  3. So, these guys with that Civilian Defense Force that you posted about earlier?? Or did they just wanna beat this guys ass for fun?

    Either way...

  4. The big black guy in the white shirt was giving him a bit of the George Floyd neck kneel at the end haha.

  5. They police should give them a big thank you and buy them all a dinner.

  6. I think the guy got his ass kicked because whatever he was getting arrested for, he did to one of those guys, or one of their relatives. I don't think they stomped him for fighting with the cop, and saving the cop from getting his ass beat was just a lucky byproduct. That cop really needs some boxing lessons or something. He looks more like a 4 grade math teacher. "Randy lay there like a slug, it was his only defense."

  7. Way-back, a long time ago when I was in the Navy, I was sitting in this Diner that only had counter stools. I think it had two doors one on each end of the counter. I was on my stool enjoying a pound of ground round grilled steak when suddenly this white druggy-looking mess slings the door open about three stools away from me, and he started moving to the far door. Right on his heels comes this skinny black cop who slings the door open and somehow manages to grab a shirt tail of the stoner. The two fall to the floor right behind my stool and they go to punching each other.
    I didn't catch a glimpse of every punch as I was trying a bite of grilled ground round with gravy and some mashed potatoes from time to time. The fight all happen so quickly, maybe only three bites of my plate lunch special.

    And then the white stoner hit the black cop it stunned him for a moment, long enough for the white guy to break free and run to the far door and escape. The black cop eventually found his bearings and got himself standing. He looked up and down the row of us diners and I think he wanted to make a statement of sorts, but after giving his proposed comment a few seconds of thought, he pulled his self together and left. No sooner did the door close behind him and the whole Diner compliment of people gave the white guy a rounding applause. Or at least that was what I was thinking at the time. Maybe they were applauding the black for living through his ordeal without any help. Cunt say.

  8. This is why God invented concealed carry....seems the right thing to do, defending the cop and all....

  9. When you piss of the entire neighborhood...


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