
Friday, September 25, 2020

Federal Agencies Tapped Protesters’ Phones in Portland

This summer, Portland looked like a war zone. Phalanxes of shadowy law enforcement personnel fired crowd-control munitions, as plumes of teargas billowed into the sky. Federal agents without clearly visible identification rounded up protesters and loaded them into unmarked cars, on American streets. When videos began to spread online, it was hard to tell what was going on, or how widely. 

The public backlash was ferocious, spurring Congress to demand that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) disclose information about the operation. But the DHS never came clean to the public about the full extent of its intelligence operations in Portland, which consisted of clandestine activities including interceptions of protesters’ phone calls conducted by a task force that included federal agencies besides the DHS, according to two former intelligence officers familiar with the matter. 


Well, no shit. Anybody that thought they wouldn't are fucking dumbasses.


  1. Weren't several, if not all, of those videos showing people being thrown into unmarked vans proven to be training exercises by the protesters?

  2. Yeah, but there are a lot of fucking dumbasses out there!


  3. Well duh!!!!!!

    This is just that harmless ":meta data" that nobody can do anything with program.

    De Oppresso Liber

  4. There was a story about an arsonist who was tracked down by her Facebook account. Don't believe it. Everyone at these events have a cell phone and the cops ID everyone with a StingRay device. It copies every phone number and links to their social media where these dopes brag about their crimes and show video of them doing it...Ekeith.

    1. Stingray has an interesting history going back before even Ferguson. Search cell tower emulators in D.C.

  5. Pelosi's quote: "Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic."

    Do what now, lound-eye?
    - DEMOCRATIC People's REPUBLIC of Korea
    (P.S. Stop calling us. You have been friendzoned. Take the hint already.)

  6. I fail to understand why it was necessary to publish an article from Pravda USA.

    1. Knowing the tactics were used against someone else is valuable information, to those that may face the same or similar enemy one day. Always remember the phone we all carry can be used to trace us, and have plans ready get around it if needed.

    2. Don't carry it unless you know you'll need it. We got along just fine for thousands of years without having our ears glued to a cell. We can probably manage just fine on a day-to-day basis.

    3. Yes we can, but all those little white sorority bitches can't and it'll be their downfall. Black non-sorority bitches too.

  7. These dumbasses were live streaming the riots from their phones, putting their pics at the riots on social media. They thought they were protected from arrest by the communist sympathizing traitors in media and government. Surprise assholes..

    1. Arrest just burnishes their credentials. Tellingly, an arrest is *not* a conviction with serious consequences.

    2. Yeah, but this is the Feds we're talking about now. Roll 'em up and RICO the lot of them. That'll sting for a good long while.

  8. Fa Cube, what's your point ? Anyone who's been through the system knows an arrest is not a conviction. However these will be federal charges not local so they will actually plead out to a crime or actually go to trial.


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