
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Looks like Warren County's getting a new sheriff next election

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - Warren County Sheriff Brett Hightower is addressing a mobile billboard seen around town that has his face on it reading, “Your Warren County Sheriff, Brett Hightower supports Black Lives Matter BLM/Antifa are Terrorist Organizations.”

“Although I can appreciate a billboard that reminds the community who their sheriff is, I don’t necessarily think this one is designed to express a positive sentiment,” said Hightower in a Facebook video on the Warren County Sheriff’s page.


  1. I’m not sure I don’t believe his opponent’s statements but where is his proof? Has the sheriff posted anything in support of BLM?

  2. A lot of good links this morning thank you. In addition to this idiot, there are a lot of places that need new district attorney's, mayor's and governors. I'm not all that hopeful that voters are smart enough to learn from past mistakes.

    1. If the voters in Portlandia, Shetattle, Chicongo, NYFC and all the rest of the Demonrat shitholes throughout the country haven't gotten the message after all of the rioting, looting and arson that their elected officials ALLOWED to happen, there's no hope for these cities, unless fed .gov goes in and sets things right. Moving away, such as what's happening in NYFC isn't the answer either because people that move will just bring Demonrat poison with them.


  3. I've yet to hear of an elected Sheriff who does not use his office for harrassment and intimidation. It's what they do. Bobo, he was one of the first to jump on the Burn Loot Murder bandwagon - he's a politician.

    1. And I always thought those sheriffs who fooled around with female underlings were stupid.

  4. He says he supported the peaceful protests. Shit, there haven't been any peaceful protests across this country. Only violence and liars. So fuck him, he chose his side, maybe he can get his votes from them.

  5. Any Mayor, Sheriff, DA, or Governor that received a dime from Soros needs to go.

    1. Amen, brother. Then we need to indict Soros and his buds on RICO charges!

  6. No, I know Brett personally. He is a good man. Honorable and true. Ron Ford, well I know him as well. That dude puts the crazy in as crazy as a outhouse rat. Brett is a good man, everyone who knows him knows he his a good man, and will do what he believes to be right. I don't have to agree with everything anyone does, I just need to know where he stands. Brett does not and will not support evil.

    I also know the Allen county sheriff personally. He is a good man as well. I know thier families and wives.

    No wickedness in them.

    Steve in Ky

  7. Again I know both of these men personally. One is a moonbat, the other a combat wounded veteran, who will do the right thing even if it kills him.

    Steve in Ky

    1. Steve,
      I am not in KY, but have a son who works for the city of Ashland. He is former military, and got the job just as soon as he was discharged. He has lived in KY since age 7 or so.
      Knowing that you actually know the man, and can vouch for him, while I don't know you, knowing that you are a regular here, says much. In a position like Sheriff, character is one of the top qualities needed. For a job like president, character, while always important, is not really something that I can actually know, since the handlers of the candidate are the ones who actually put the spin on the character of the person running for office. So for president you just have to vote for the policies and record of the person running. With Biden and Trump, of course their families love them, and think they are great men,but we now have a record of their policies to look at, and also what they are saying and supporting as well. Joe Biden has changed, allowing himself to be drawn very far to the left from what was normally a much more centrist position. And since his running mate is a true leftist, you can bet that the Democrats won't be moving back to the center any time soon. Trump has his first term to point to, and all of the positives that he has done, most importantly, appointing federal judges who will follow the law and the constitution, rather than making law from the bench.
      One thing to remember, is that political parties use negative advertising, for the one main reason that it works. Hopefully, in this case of the Sheriff, the people will figure out who is the better person, and vote accordingly.


    2. Thank you sir. The sign was a huge topic of conversation in town, until everyone figured out it was crazy Ron Ford. Then it was like oh well thats just him.

  8. Sounds like someone bitter from losing to me, but any sheriff, especially a non-big city sheriff, who says anything positive about an organization that is rioting, looting, talking about killing cops and/our white people, etc should be removed from office, promptly. If mine said anything like that, I’d be calling for his removal.


  9. Gator respectfully in this case you would be wrong. Brett Hightower is a good man.

  10. I live here in Warren County, Kentucky, and our current sheriff is way better than the career sheriff he replaced that only accepted CCW permit applications on Tuesdays and Thursdays and only mailed them to Frankfort (Government seat) once a week. I've met Ronnie but don't know him well. Can't say one way or the other but the sign would seem to make a statement.


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