
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

The BLM Operation Backfire is well underway

Back on June 5 in my column “’Defund the Police’ say wealthy celebrities with private security,” I warned that the Democrats and the media were setting up yet another Operation Backfire with regard to the violence from the Marxists of Black Lives Matter.

I first coined the term Operation Backfire after the Parkland shooting in February 2017.

In short, the Left seizes on a cause, then pushes way too hard and goes way too far. And eventually, the cause backfires on them in a big, big way.


  1. Although every time they do seem to move the Overton Window just that much further to the left.


    1. That 'window' is so far to the left it's on another house, a "House divided against itself" you might say.
      The view from my window hasn't changed; I don't look upon homosexuality with respect but disdain and disinterest, I don't see that raising some up at the expense of those that worked hard is the right thing to do especially when those that are so raised show that they aren't capable of the work and are arrogant to boot.
      If Joshua Chamberlain could form deep friendships with his old adversaries then I will also show them respect and defend their graveyards and memorials. And the flag that they fought under and lie beneath isn't a rag for animals to wipe their Nikes on.

      And Donald Trump is pushing that "Window" back, God Bless Him.

    2. John, they are arrogant BECAUSE they aren't capable. It's a defense mechanism.

  2. And yet there are those that will soak up the changing narratives without question or thought, and actually be convinced that the very problems encouraged by these Dem leaders are all Trump's fault. I keep reading about how he's 'dividing people', and yet can't seem to find a single quote where he does this...all I see is the media pronouncing that they interpret things a certain way, and screaming it from everywhere they can.

  3. A speech in the Tennessee House by one of their state reps is worth posting here itself, compadre.


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