
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Reparations For Slavery Considered By California Lawmakers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California lawmakers are setting up a task force to study and make recommendations for reparations to African Americans, particularly the descendants of slaves, as the nation struggles again with civil rights and unrest following the latest shooting of a Black man by police.

The state Senate supported creating the nine-member commission on a bipartisan 33-3 vote Saturday. The measure returns to the Assembly for a final vote before lawmakers adjourn for the year on Monday, though Assembly members overwhelmingly already approved an earlier version of the bill.


  1. To qualify ask the following and I filled in the correct answers.
    Were you or any of your current family ever slaves?
    Were any of your parents or grandparents slaves?
    Then ... reparations for what exactly?
    Now fuck off and get a job.

  2. Absolutely idiotic. African Americans are the richest blacks in the entire world and have the most opportunity here yet they are pawns to the evil left. Never mind that there are no whites alive today in the USA that owned slaves and that there are no blacks alive today that have been slaves.

    This country needs an amicable divorce!

    1. "there are no blacks alive today that have been slaves."

      Qualified with "in the US, and under a system of race-based slavery." There are more than a few blacks alive who currently are slaves in some of the darker corners of the globe.

  3. Does Obamas white half pay Obamas black half?

    1. Obama's black half was in Kenya selling his family and friends to the slave traders

  4. California came into the union as a non slave state. California was a "Union" state during the civil war. Do the math.

  5. It's kinda weird that I find more interesting articles through your blog than I find elsewhere. I daily check a good dozen feeds, and somehow what I find here is better.

    What the heck is going on? Where are you getting this shit? It's consistently good stuff. Are you browsing dozens and dozens of sites daily to check for interesting articles or what?

    1. No big secret, I hit about a dozen news sites every morning, plus I've got readers that send me stuff.

  6. All those reparations will be taxed at 100% with 5% of the money given to descendants of those who originally owned the land in this country.
    The remaining 95% will be used to buy an other election.

    1. Who "originally" owned the land?

  7. YES!
    Burn the whole thing down.
    And then watch the blacks handlers' gin up rage about the "racism of giving them $$ and the associated inflation."
    I'll fix the popcorn, while such things are still for sale.
    -Just A Chemist.

  8. Was California a slave state? Maybe they are going to pay reparations to all of the Indians killed and enslaved by the Spanish conquistadors and missionaries.

  9. So they're going to study what form the reparations should take, are they? (Cash may not be possible, since CA is deeper in debt than most countries.)

    But given the examples set by the former Rhodesia and now South Africa, of taking whites' land and "redistributing" it to blacks, I'd say the farmers in the inland counties should start making plans to take those counties and leave...

  10. The state is burning up, businesses are closing right and left, productive, tax-paying citizens are fleeing the state in droves and this is what California lawmakers are concerned about.

    1. Elmo, I don't know how you persist there. I know family and ties to location are strong pulls to stay put, but there must come a point where enough is enough.


    2. It's a long story. I won't trouble you with the details.
      Just as frustrating as living here is watching other formerly red states turn blue. I recently heard a rumor that Nevada is about to make ballot harvesting legal. If that's true it's over for them too.

  11. If this passes, I assume Kamala Harris will be paying up some cash to pay for her slavetrading ancestors?

  12. I think they need to compare the riches of your average black person currently living in former slave trading African areas has in relation to the average black person here. The average black person here OWES whitey for the much higher standard of living they have here in the US.

    On top of that, they can calculate reparations, but they'll need to split that bill between the descendants of the original seller of the slaves, the owner of the ship that brought them here, the slave sellers here and then finally they can bill the rest of us. I figure that will be about $.11 per white person.

    Now where the heck do I file for my reparations because no doubt my Christian ancestors were enslaved by the Romans back in the day.


  13. Man the illegal aliens are gonna be pissed when they hear about this.

  14. okay so cali became part of the union in 1850 as a free state. In 1863 Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which only freed slaves in southern states. 1865 the 13th amendment was ratified. They only had slaves for 15 yrs in The US Cali for 15 years... prorate that shit, and have Mexico cover the rest!!!! How many orientals and Irish were slaves out west? They ain't bitchin. Don't like it, go back to Africa

  15. The fact this passed shows just how fucked up the CA legislature is.

  16. Hmmm, I might have to reconsider identifying myself differently if the pay is reasonable.

  17. The last genuinely Conservative Prime Minister of Gt Britain, one Margaret Thatcher, once said
    "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

    Seems quite apt here.


  18. And if the DP takes the presidency next year, the whole country will be bailing out Californicatia while Congress sets the amount for the black citizens in the rest of the country. If we're not in a hot c. w. by then, I mean.

  19. Surely the only reparation that makes any sense is a one way ticket to Africa.

    1. They tried that soon after slavery was abolished... No one wanted to leave...

    2. Must've been about the time Popeye's started up.

  20. I have a brand new 55 gallon drum Reparation H for all the butt hurts out there

  21. I do not agree with any reparations for families of former slaves. However, I do think that there are things that should be considered to assist people who are below the poverty line, living in the richest nation on earth.
    The thing is, there is actually only one way that can actually be shown to provide real, long term benefits for the poorest of the poor. That is putting more emphasis on education. Rather than separating people on the basis of race, they should be considered on the basis of financial means. Rich black families already have the means to get education that can sustain their families over a lifetime.
    By investing more heavily in the actual education of those who otherwise would end up as the ever growing class called the working poor, real change can be encouraged. One other thing to do is to stop the horrible student loan program. That is equivalent to modern day slavery. And it is of course a Democrat program. Poorly thought out, guaranteed by the government, banks love it, and the people use it like it is free money, until it comes time to pay it back.
    Pre school is, in my opinion, not important. The first years of a child's life should be spent bonding with parents and learning from them. Money spent then could instead be spent on tutors in the K-12 years, where a kid might struggle with an individual subject, like reading or math, and much more " bang for your buck" obtained.
    As far as giving money for reparations, that is just a slang term for Democrats buying votes, and they have been doing it in one form or another forever. If they are serious about improving the plight of not only black families, but of all poor families in general, using existing money for education, in the correct way, and increasing funds for again the correct way, are much smarter, and fairer for everyone, and something that I could support, if done properly.


    1. I don't disagree with what you said, theoretically, but is it realistic?

      "The first years of a child's life should be spent bonding with parents and learning from them."

      Yeah, agreed, but that's problem #1. Parents, plural, and learning from them. The odds are against anyone (regardless of race) from "a long line of bachelors" and raised by women who have not had positive role models, nor placed value on education, for at least two generations. Add generally low "G" (because we can't use the politicized term "IQ"), limited self-discipline, and poor impulse control and the child is doomed. No matter how many tutors you put on the job.

      I'm interested to hear specifics on what you mean by "education" by the way. Are you talking college, or practical training? We've certainly tried the college route for decades now, and it hasn't panned out. Because equality of opportunity, filtered by aptitude, is clearly a nonstarter, we've tried to impose equality of outcome through "affirmative action". With disastrous results. Let's put it another way by looking at a different race: I don't care how many personal trainers and free gym memberships you give to Chinese kids, they're not going to become successful NFL linebackers.

      As to looking at family income as opposed to race, the linked video (informative and therefore banned from YouTube) has interesting stats. Skip to 6:20 to hear about performance by race and by family income category. Basically, there are a LOT of poor whites in the US. If you have a combined criterion of "poor family" AND "aptitude as assessed by standardized tests" then you'll be selecting almost exclusively for whites. (I don't like standardized tests - even though I do really really well on them - but they are a somewhat reasonable predictor of academic aptitude.)

    2. Pig, we had an AA hire at our hi tech outfit located a thousand miles away from Corporate HQ. The guy had him a degree from a Negro university, but was not competent in his job, so quite a few of us who were had the task of making good on his fuckups. All the while he was on Corporate's AA Advisory Committee, gone at least 10% of the time on AA business. Not at all sure who owes whom what for this kind of horseshit.

  22. The bill will pass, and it don't mean nothin'. Californians will pay reparations for former slaves, where? Georgia? Massachusetts? Illinois? Texas?

    1. Let them all move there in a mass migration if it passes. Thinkit is bad there now. Watch this shit!

  23. I’m buying Newport and Hennessy stock !

  24. THIS is the deal that will bring ALL blacks out of poverty for now and future generations and allow the looter class to PAY for those tvs.


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