
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

One shot of coronavirus vaccine likely won't be enough

When a coronavirus vaccine comes on the market, people will likely need two doses, not just one — and that could cause real problems.

Some of the potential problems are logistical. Difficulties procuring test kits and protective gear throughout the pandemic point to supply chain issues that could also plague distributing double doses of vaccines for an entire country.

Other potential concerns are more human. Convincing people to show up to get a vaccine not once, but twice, could be a formidable undertaking.


  1. Yeah, I don't think so. The Supreme Court has ruled vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” Vaccines contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, polysorbate 80, cell lines from aborted fetuses, tissue from hamsters, dog kidneys, monkeys, peanut oil adjuvants and much more.

    Congress protects the pharmaceutical companies from liability.

    Anyone who dies or has an adverse reaction has no recourse against anyone. You are on your own if you suffer brain damage, paralysis, infertility, etc.

    The ChiCom WuFlu is a cold and there has never been a vaccine against the common cold.

    1. I'm with you BB on being anti-vaccine. But there is a court you can appeal to if a vaccination goes sideways:

  2. No problem, I'll donate my doses to any fool that wants them. I'll be damned if they're gonna stick me with that inadequately tested RNA stuff. I'll take my chances with the virus that has a >99% survival rate.

    1. Since I have 3 different risk factors, my chances of survival are much lower, and my chances of being delibitated for several weeks or mire are much higher, so I guess I'll take my chsnces with the vaccine.

    2. Larry, even with 3 different risk factors, your odds are probably still better with the virus than with the vaccine. FWIW, I'm not against vaccines, I'm only against vaccines rushed to market without years of testing.

    3. In the country the founding fathers created, we each have the freedom to decide for ourselves what we put in our bodies. So if Larry wants it because he has conditions that make him more vulnerable, then have at it. But anyone that thinks they're going to require me to get it (or coerce me with travel and work restrictions if I don't) is in for a tough time. Any fool that tries to jab me will be lucky if they go home with the number of teeth they started with.

    4. This is a new kind of vaccine that hijacks your own cells to produce the vaccine antigens. Lots of room here for unintended and disastrous consequences. There have been trials for other rna treatments, but none have approval. This pandemic creates the urgency needed to bypass the regular scrutiny and get this new type of vaccine out to market. In addition, I don't think that any vaccines are studied for long-term effects, why bother when they have no liability? Check out Vernon Coleman :

  3. Polio vaccines these day require four administrations. I think I remember getting two shots when I was in third or fourth grade. One kid in my class actually contracted polio. His mother home schooled him using the class curriculum and worked his muscles daily for hours so that he wouldn't lose function. He eventually returned to class after a year and and grew up straight and strong and became a star athlete in high school.


    1. That is one very loving mother, who actually walks the walk. My polio vaccine came in the form of a sugar cube, with the medication dropped onto it. I had a teacher and his sister in high school who both contracted Polio. He was in a wheel chair, and she had braces on her legs.
      He was an English teacher, and the one thing I remember about 9th grade English with him, is that he had me do a book report on Instant Replay, by Jerry Kramer, the book about a season with the Green Bay Packers. It was my first exposure to professional sports personalities, and I found it fascinating.
      The teacher's first name was Perry, and he passed away too young. But everybody in our small high school of around 400 students just loved him. He never let his handicap hold him back, or ask for any extra consideration. He finished college at the top of his class, and the entire town both knew him and could never have a bad thing to say about him. In at least this instance, the vaccine saved untold numbers of lives. I won't voluntarily take any vaccines now, knowing what we know today. Things have gotten just too dangerous, mixing so very many of the dangerous ingredients in our bodies.


    2. Polio afflicted man came to our farm all through my childhood and beyond to grade our stud sheep for record keeping. Legs were thin to bones visible. We kids had to run interference when they ran at us in the handling chutes. My father recommended him for an award for services to the live stock industry which he received. Was pretty hard for us too complain exhaustion when this man was present.

  4. Yea. Formidable. An AR-15 and AR-10 stands in the way.

  5. I have contemplated vaccines in the past, but there is no way I'm letting anyone stick me with this one.

  6. Just as it might take a double tap to the heads of the pricks pushing this stupidity.

  7. Nope. Nein. No Way. FU. All my friends feel the same.

    Anybody want to bet that the women that are always saying 'my body, my choice' will be the ones screaming the loudest to 'just take your damn vaccine.'

    1. >Anybody want to bet that the women that are always saying 'my body, my choice' will be the ones screaming the loudest to 'just take your damn vaccine.'

      Just as they're the ones saying "just put on the damn mask" right now.

      The 19th Amendment was our biggest mistake.

    2. The 19th hurt women more than it hurt men or any other demographic slice.

  8. If you (person trying to force me to take a vaccine) get within 5 fett of me with that needle, I WILL "immunize" YOU with lead until you are no longer a threat to my life.

  9. There are no vaccines for viruses. If there were, the common cold would have been cured decades ago.

    1. Well, Einstein, what do you think poliomyelitis is?

    2. Of course there are vaccines for viruses. But not for cold or flu viruses. Depends on the type of virus, the rate of mutation, the locus of infection, etc.

  10. This virus has a smaller death rate than the regular "flue and cold" season. The last 5 months has not been about a fake virus. This whole thing smells like a deal between the democrats and the Chinese to regain power for the lib's and take out a problem for the Chinese {Trump). Riots, burning, assaults, murders for the last 5 months and they are not punishing the rioters, so tell me that is not a set up. Democrats are always hammering on the Russians and completely silent about the Chinese. The silence should tell you who is getting paid by the chicoms.
    I don't think this thing ends without huge violence so f#ck it, lets get started, absolutely target the democrat leaders and their families, especially their homes. How many Americans have to lose everything just so democrats can regain power?

  11. As I slide farther into the demographic that runs a much larger risk of dying from this shit, I'll gladly take the vaccine as soon as I can, no matter how many doses are required. I did two with Shingrix with no problem.

    1. @TwoDogs ... Finally, a voice of reason. I know four people who have been infected with the "novel coronavirus / SARS-Co-V-2" bug .. two are dead, one was hospitalized for nine days.
      When the vaccine becomes available, put me at the front of the fucking line. I don't care if I need two, three, four, or more doses.

  12. I don't take the conventional flu shots, so I'm gonna pass on this one too.

  13. The people who want to force you to take the shot also or withholding hydroxychloroquine from the people who are sick from this disease. I do not trust Thelma.

  14. I'll gladly take the new vaccine once "doctor" tony finishes developing his AIDS vaccine he has been working on for 40 years.

  15. Would you buy the New! Improved truck, the first model year they had just Totally! Reworked it?

    Me, neither.

    Much as I like Mr. Trump, this is one occasion where his enthusiasm is getting ahead of prudence.

    I'll let a million other folks "beta test" this new vaccine, before I step up for mine. Or my wife's.


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