
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Moving on up

San Luis Obispo Police Chief Deanna Cantrell, who has faced criticism for incidents ranging from losing her gun in a restaurant bathroom to her handling of Black Lives Matter protests, announced Thursday she is leaving the city of SLO to become the top cop of the Bay Area city of Fairfield. 

Cantrell took over as chief in Jan. 2016, after serving 21 years in the Mesa, Arizona Police Department. Former SLO City Manager Katie Lichtig hired Cantrell, choosing her over both SLO Police Department’s captains, who had been rotating as acting chief at the time. 

The past few years, Cantrell has been under fire over her lack of transparency, personal failures, and officer misconduct. 


  1. My son lived in SLO for a few years. Eventually, he had to move back to Michigan, bringing his California bride with him. When he went out west, playing music, he was a liberal. After his time in California, he changed, and had to get out of that liberal bastion, and back to Michigan, where we at least pretend to be normal.
    His band did get to play at the Whiskey a Go Go, though. I had a band, and we played for some pretty cool gigs, also, but never got to play a nationally known arena.
    He liked SLO well enough, but it was the most expensive place to live in the nation, at the time. I couldn't afford to visit them when they were out there, and now that I can, they live less than an hour away. I am glad they got out when they did. His wife even brought her mother back to Michigan, to live here. So she could get out of California also.


  2. Anyone else here old enough to remember when your sex, and who you’re having sex with weren’t qualifications for a job?

    1. Times change, we need to give people like Kamala a chance to get a well-paying job.

    2. You sayin Willie didn't pay well?

  3. When calls go out for “police reform” it is because of examples like this. Doctors don’t turn their bad colleagues nor do cops.

  4. The way that gummint works: FUMU - Fuck Up, Move Up.

  5. Like they say in Gov't work - fuck up, move up.

  6. Hahahahahahahahahahaha...
    Ya cant make this shtuff up

  7. My former project assistant was the wife of Richard Word, former chief of Fairfield who came from Oakland via the Night Rider "issue." Good call.

  8. Did you just assume it’s gender?

  9. She was in charge when Daniel Shaver was murdered buy one of her officers.

    1. Man that was an ugly read; no corruption or anything going on at all down there in Mesa, AZ at all.
      I'm sure those officers are on someone's list.
      Interesting the one guy split to the Philippines. He must be part Filipino or married to one to make the best of it.
      My understanding is they have a heavy priority on native land ownership with a big dose of matriarchy.

  10. Not sure I'd call going from SLO to Fairfield a move "up".....

  11. Sounds like "good riddance" for SLO-town. And Dan you're absolutely right; Fairfield is hardly a "move up" from San Luis Obispo, home of Cal Poly.

  12. That article makes you hate the bullshit cops pull when they are in the wrong. They do an illegal no warrant search, send his kids to foster care to fuck with his custody, arrest him on bogus charges all to try to intimidate him to escape their illegal bullshit. I hope he sues the living shit out of them and if they get shot by somebody, good. As far as she goes, she is just another angry lesbian, fuck her, I hope she gets shot also. As far as I'm concerned, cops aren't there to protect us, they are there to protect rich people and politicians.


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