
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

No surprise there

New data from the Downtown Seattle Association (DSA) says that over 100 businesses have closed or relocated out of downtown Seattle due to the effects of coronavirus shutdowns, rising taxes, crime, riots and city mismanagement.


  1. Too Bad So Sad. NOT. You get the Government you vote for and now they are reaping the whirlwind

  2. mumble mumble...1%ers abandoning us...mumble mumble...Trump's fault!...mumble mumble...raise taxes on everyone left since our revenue is falling...mumble mumble

  3. I don't know about any of you, but I'm keeping track of which states to NEVER visit - ever again. After this shit quiets down (if ever), the people that allowed/encouraged it to occur are still in power. Only a fool would venture into enemy territory without backup and/or weaponry.

  4. Cause and Effect. I know it. You know it. Liberals do not.

  5. The writer mentions that the only grocery store shut down, creating a food desert. In Chicago, they mention food deserts in places like Lawndale. There are, however, 32 food pantries. So, you can still get groceries. This food pantry on Mon, Wed, Fri. That food pantry on Tue, Thu. etc. Some are open in the morning, others in the afternoon. There are no grocery stores at all. How can a for-profit business compete with FREE? They can't, so they don't even try. That's how you create a food desert.


    1. Kind of like the government letting people use their EBT card at fast food joints !
      2 piece wing meal at Popeyes w/nutritious grape drink $6.99. Get a whole fucking chicken at a regular market for $.59 a pound and cook it at your rent subsidized home in your gas subsidized oven for about $.99 a kid !

    2. They may ne too tired after putting in a 12 hour day at work. Shit!! Sorry my bad.Keep on.


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