
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

More troops say they'll vote for Biden than Trump: poll

More active-duty U.S. troops say they’ll back Vice President Joseph R. Biden instead of President Trump in the November election, a new poll shows, continuing a steady decline in the president’s favorability rating among a bloc of voters that usually leans solidly Republican.

A Military Times survey released Monday found that if the election were held today, 41% of active-duty troops say they’d vote for the Democratic nominee, compared to just 37% for the president. Another 13% said they intend to back a third-party candidate, while 9% said they’d skip the presidential election altogether. The Military Times surveyed 1,018 active-duty troops for the poll.


  1. Hpolls being what they are nowadays, I'm not sure I believe that.

  2. Wonder how many of that sample are unhappy about the personal inconvenience of moving from Germany to Poland?

  3. 1000, the Fourteenth Obamanite Dildo Maintenance and Rectum Bleaching Depot were available, meaning the census takers didn't have to go anywhere dangerous, dirty, or out of wifi/starbux range.

  4. I call bullshit. I want to see where they found this sample.

    1. Me. too. The poll takes suck and the media sucks too.

    2. To easy Bro. They found the sample from their readership. is a commie rag!

  5. I know the polling must be right because Cankles is the President of the United States. Wait.....

  6. 11/7/2016 Jon Karl ABC news: "Hillary up by 12pts". Sorry, not buying the polling on this one either.

    Ersatz Naugahyde

  7. Where was this conducted at the Pentagon? I think field troops like the largest pay increases in a very long time under Pres. Trump.


    1. First thing I thought of is that this was a poll from Pentagon military people.

  8. I dont beleive it at all and we saw the polling data that should Shillary was going to win Yugely.

  9. Polled troops that are stationed somewhere and Obama general runs the base I would wager

  10. I've worked for the Dept of the Navy for almost 40 years and I will tell you that this compete and utter BS. Some of the junior enlisted maybe, but very few of the senior enlisted I know would.

    1. I call bullshit also.

      Anybody that's on a second or subsequent term has had duty under Democrat and Republican Presidents and knows the difference.

  11. Under Dingle Barry we got a lot of recruits who are from traditional leftist areas. Combine that with the forced retirement of generals and admirals who were not in lockstep, and you have an environment where being conservative is a career killer.

    1. Presidents rarely have any impact on recruiting. Recruiting goals and localities did not change under Obama. There have been recruits from leftist area since the 70's. There is zero evidence Obama knew any generals by name, let alone cared about their promotions and retirements.


    2. Maybe not generals, but he was pretty familiar with Major Dixon Butts

  12. 1000 military personnel polled doesn't make an election...ask Hillary...

  13. Hey Kenny;

    I don't buy the times survey, it is totally biased, I have been seeing the "Army times" publications, they are totally in the tank for Biden.

  14. This doesn't really surprise me that much. I had seen surveys, before, that showed a pretty even distribution of R, D, and independent, around 1/3 for each. The thing that gets me, is how could ANYONE that served in the military still truly believe that a huge, burecratic organization could do anything efficiently.


  15. Notice a few things: First are these troops Likely or registered voters or not registered to vote at all. Likely voter polls are generally more accurate. Next what was the breakdown by political party, Polls are most easily skewed by the numbers of a political party being over sampled Let say in an Area the breakdown is 35 percent Demonrat, 34 percent republican and 31 percent Independent But the Sampled 48 percent Demonrats, 22 percent republican and 30 percent independent. So the poll is skewed to the Demonrats. Location of the people being polled is also a factor. I like to know all i can BEFORE I believe any poll. Notice how the polling has slowed down since the RNC Convention.

  16. So I guess The Military times is just another cesspool of the lying leftist lamestream media.

    1. It is owned by the sea Corp owns USA Today. It's a cesspool

  17. As I have been saying all along, the military is not as politically conservative as people think and hasn't been for a long time. But also, trump supporters simply dont want the hassle be being screeched at by their fellow government employees, so they LIE about their choices.

  18. Actually I believe this poll. I believe that those polled are perhaps fudging their answers a little bit, telling little white lies, even perhaps dare I say MISLEADING the pollsters into thinking that Abby-normal brain Joe is their choice. Why ? So that the are over-confidant and complacent maybe ? So their superiors (?) think that they are brain-dead robots who will NOT be voting in their own best interests ? Maybe they are just having a little FUN with the pollsters ? Nah- American soldiers would NEVER fib about such a thing. LMFAO
    Remember the contest to name a new Pepsi product where "Hitler did nothing wrong" won the contest ? LMFAO

  19. More people SAID they'd vote for Hillary, but when actual voting time came around what they DID didn't seem to match what they said...

  20. “Critical Race Theory” has invaded the military....

    Remember when we were forced to do....leadership classes....Deming stuff.....

    Well now the push is on “Critical Race Theory.”.....

    and I can see why military polls are as useless as civilian polls....everyone wants to keep their heads down.


  21. Although, if true, the stuff has already hit the fan.


    I mean Goodfellas^3!

    'cause I always vote for the party that openly despises me, all the way!

  23. Soldier 1: You take the presidential preference poll?
    Soldier 2: Sure did.
    S1: You fuck with them?
    S2: Who, me?

  24. 19 years of unpatriotic wars and social experiments have hollowed out the military of Patriots? No way!

    -combat Vet

  25. Curious.

    Did they poll the officer corps that survive obozo's purge?

    Or enlisted folk?

  26. Not true on so many levels, most airmen and troops I work with absolutely refuse to think of Biden as an option. My son reports the same in his Cav troop, having just left Poland.

  27. I don't know the veracity of the poll numbers and I am not former military, but I think there may be more at work. The leftists like to pre-stage their propaganda. Plants a seed, gets folks used to an idea, pushes the line a little further each time. Hillary recently said under NO circumstances should Biden concede, followed by Pelosi declaring all Repubs "enemies of the state"(a disturbing phrase), and now a the CNN equivalent of a "military magazine" sending up this flag. Not much is said in the mainstream entertainment(formerly news) media without a purpose. The narrative is being crafted for contested elections and the actions thereafter methinks.

    1. You win. That's the most scarily plausible reason right there.

  28. Meh. The only votes I care about in .mil are the combat arms. All the clerks in the world can vote communist all they want. When it comes time I want the tip of the spear on my side.

  29. Duh. Lotsa active duty folk elsewhere. How do they vote? By mail.

    Just setting the narrative for all those "found" ballots later on.

  30. Was this poll conducted by the same geniuses who SWORE non stop till the bitter end in 2016 that Cankles The Killer couldn't lose and Trump couldn't possibly win.......

  31. I think we will find out election day. Damn I hope people that never vote come out in droves this year and slam the Socialist Party. Nope, don't believe a word of he poll.

  32. I’m currently active duty Army, and here’s what I see every day:

    Publicly showing support for Trump draws fire. Publicly showing support for Biden does not.

    Unless I’m in a group of close friends, I keep my mouth shut about politics and just give noncommittal answers. Leftists being relentless gossip mongers, you’ll find yourself branded as “racist” if you’re open about supporting Trump.

    And race is EVERYTHING in the modern Army.

    If you’re not black or Latino, you’ve already got an uphill climb for promotion. Opening your mouth about this kind of stuff just makes it worse.

    So while most of the guys are full-on MAGA, you’d never know it. Ironically, the only people comfortable being open about supporting Trump are... the black and Latino guys.

    1. I oddly get both comfort, and then a sense of anger with that statement. Glad to know there are more like you in the ranks, but just damn having to bend the knee to Marxists and race hustlers in our everyday lives, especially in the Armed Forces. Have had a belly full at this point. Thanks for taking the time to post and shed some light. Wish you well and appreciate what you do.


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