
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Leftists Go Silent As Americans Choose Guns Over Gun Control

As millions of Americans have poured into gun stores and set background check records for seven straight months, the normally vocal gun grabbers on the left have gone silent.

Consider the example of Joe Biden, a man who spent months on the campaign trail promising universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and even voiced support for government-mandate buybacks of certain firearms, yet did not mention gun control one time during his Democrat National Convention acceptance speech.


  1. He is right. They haven't been talking gun control because they know it is a losing issue for them. That does NOT mean they aren't thinking gun control on Day 2 if they get into power (Day 1 will be reserved for parties, groping and BJ's).

  2. Be concerned, not everyone buying have been conservative. The murderer in Portlantifa is former army and has out door experience. Soros is training and arming the new Nazis.

    1. Still claiming the Nazis are the bad guys? They lost that war. Their enemy, the Marxists won. And now here we are.

    2. Yes, the Nazis were bad guys. The Marxists are bad guys too.

      You can have more than one set of enemies and evil people at the same time...


  3. Not that anyone cares, but here is my idea for universalbackgeound checks. Everyone is issued a "Not a violent felon" ID card at age 18. If you commit a violent felony, you lose your card. You can pick it up at the DMV. If the DMV can check my veteran status and put that on my drivers license,surely they can handle adding 'violent felon' to a driver's license right?

  4. That's what happens when you don't teach history in school. The Community College Maoists got "Unleash the Red Terror on the Masses" and "Disarm the Masses" out of order. Don't worry, they'll try against in the future.


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