
Friday, September 04, 2020

Trump Surges as Blacks, Hispanics Abandon Biden

President Trump’s re-election campaign, labeled DOA by the fake news legacy media only a few weeks ago, is now surging in the latest public opinion polls and surveys.

Trump’s post-convention lift looks more like a rocket than a bounce.

Fresh polling out Monday shows President Donald Trump receiving a post-convention increase in support. A poll, conducted by Emerson College, surveyed 1,576 voters between August 30 and August 31 to ascertain the impact that both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions may have had on the public.

Emerson’s results indicate that Trump has tightened the race, now only trailing former Vice President by two percentage points (49 percent to 47 percent.) This is stunning.


  1. What’s stunning is that they can still find a way to doctor the poll results to show Biden leading.

  2. No fucking way Clueless Joe is pulling 47 percent.


  3. "Hello?"
    "Hello, sir, I'm from Emerson. This is an election poll. Who will you be voting for in November?"

    Would *anyone* say Trump? I wouldn't. Why? Because I don't want to have my house burned down.

  4. i hang up on pollsters ,I figure they'll lie about the results anyway so why would I play along ?

  5. QAnon says there will be an October surprise within a week of the election. We will all be told that the only way we can vote is with our phone or computer. ID will be demanded. No chance to cheat the election.
    My odds are Trump 75%
    Biden 16%
    Others 9%

    1. And the Dems will be screaming about the homeless being disenfranchised in numbers great enough to affect the election.

  6. You have to set people's expectations for a blow out for Biden. Otherwise there might be an investigation after you stuff the ballot.


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