
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Unless Biden Wins Big, ‘Violence in Streets’ Possible, Says WaPo Op-Ed

U.S.A. –-( Writing recently in the Washington Post, Prof. Rosa Brooks at Georgetown University Law Center said a brainstorming session by “The Transition Integrity Project” conjured some “likely” scenarios about the outcome of the November election and concluded “With the exception of the ‘big Biden win’ scenario, each of our exercises reached the brink of catastrophe, with massive disinformation campaigns, violence in the streets and a constitutional impasse.”

Reaction from some WaPo readers amounted to “Bring it.”


  1. Possible? Hah. Was just talking with the wife last night that I expect riots no matter what happens. Trump wins? Riot to 'protest'. Biden wins? Riot in celebration since that behavior has been endorsed. I see no direction where there AREN'T more riots.

    1. I see it as,
      Trump wins,
      they’ll come at us.
      Biden wins,
      They’ll come for us.

  2. "Transition Integrity Project." All we need, another self-appointed, self-centered, many-degreed bunch telling us mere voters what might happen. Here's a might-happen. The Earth might open up and swallow all of them. And we would be better off.

  3. Wow. That woman is about as Illuminati as it gets:
    Harvard/Oxford/Yale; Open Society Foundation (Soros); Harvard Kennedy School; Council on Foreign Relations; Amnesty International; US State Department (advisor). Career includes academia, media, fedgov, ngos. (Also a reserve cop married to a retired Special Forces officer. This is no doubt useful for her to possess firearms when the rest of us cattle may not. This also strongly suggests that those who believe that the military is pro-Constitution and that SF is all on the side of the angels are foolishly optimistic.)

    Maybe she's personally a wonderful human being, but she has the profile of exactly the sort of transnational cosmopolitan vampire that is destroying the West.

  4. Blah blah blah "nice country you have a shame if something happened to it".

  5. Going to be violence anyway. Maybe more if Biden got elected since they
    d view that as acceptance of their activity.

  6. Folks, they're telling you their playbook. Prepare accordingly.
    Frank Fisher had it right, either way, they're coming after flyover country.

  7. The day after the election, Pres Trump should fire all the Obama left-overs across government as he should have done in his first term. Get rid of these bureaucrats and replace them with no-nonsense, red-blooded American citizens.

  8. It will end in blood. Thiers or ours and our children's.

    Steve in Ky.

  9. We've ALREADY got "violence in the streets". The election will just be an excuse for them to continue it. It is WAY past time to start playing cowboys and communists. The left are just like islamists. They REFUSE to coexist with anyone, they intend to RULE US with total control and just like islam the ONLY solution to the problem of what to do with them is to exterminate them. Nothing else will solve the problem.

  10. I have been topping off preps since last week and a lot of shit is gone and getting scarce. People are waking up and picking up the vibe that yea, either way its gonna be a shitshow. I would tend to believe, from observation, that the “majority” of the left has no idea of the violence and savagery that “us and those like us” are capable of. Just now?and your a first time gun buyer Biden supporter? They are way past fucked. They cant even see fucked in the rearview mirror. I have said many times that nothing will change until the right people start dying. One of my buddies ask me “who ya gonna shoot?” I replied, “ whoever needs shooting” I like my life, wish it would stay this way but if its coming square your shit. Fuck it, lets rock.

  11. I was at the grocery store yesterday. The canned vegetable section is STILL not up to pre-Kung Flu stocking levels. I buy store brand kleenex tissues - NONE to be had. Some brands of spaghetti sauce, including the one I usually buy, of course, out of stock, also some brands and types(shapes) of spaghetti out of stock. This ain't over by a long shot.


  12. Fuck those fucking fuckers.™

  13. Check this shit out. I think this is factual and accurate.

  14. Oh goody, was looking for an opportunity to try out my home made napalm.


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