
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Wait..... your parents and grandparents fought for integration.....

Two women hope to create an all-black community in central Georgia as a way to deal with “400 years of racial oppression.”

Microsoft News used a “good news” tag for the report, which said that as the United States “continues to confront the toxic legacy of slavery and Jim Crow,” the women want to create “a tight-knit community for our people to just come and breathe”:


  1. Self-segregation is to be encouraged and lauded. It would be best at the state level, but we'll take what we can get.

  2. Don't they already have hundreds, if not thousands, of these? And these are where most murders, rapes and robberies occur in the United States?

  3. They can save a lot of time & effort and just relocate to Haiti (also known as Wakanda without fantasy).

  4. If you went to Louisville (pronounced "Louis" not "Louie") in Central Georgia where my mother grew up, you'd think they already had their own town. My Uncle Johnny said that it happened when welfare came along and they all left the farm.
    Then East Point, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta, where I grew up, is even more Black. Where did they come from? When I was little in the late 40's, I hardly ever saw one.

    1. When we moved to Gainesville GA in the early 80's, nary a one could be found. Now, well, let's just say if I had any reason to go to that city, I'd be a minority. Welfare has been berry berry good to those people.

  5. Maybe they can buy the plans for the III% citadel.

  6. And what all black African utopia are they going to model it after?

  7. Good for them. They can spend all they want on building Wakanada in Georgia, but not one cent of Federal Tax dollars to bail them out when it fails.

    1. Down in the paragraph that begins "Amass land..." is this:
      "Then go get all the money the United States of America has available for government entities and get them bonds. This is how we build our new Black Wall Streets. We can do this. We can have Wakanda! We just have to build it ourselves!"
      Still mooching off the taxpayer via Uncle Sugar's gnarly tit, gaming the system but giving it a new name.
      "We just have to build it ourselves!" using other peoples money. Same ol', same ol'.

  8. The south is littered with the remains of what used to be all black communities that didn't thrive, much less survive. They mention black wall street in Tulsa, but they either don't know much about it, or just ignore the fact that it is actually on the north side of downtown Tulsa. It was far from being a black only community, it benefitted greatly from its location in downtown Tulsa.

  9. So will they have the incredibly high black on black crime rate that is the norm for african americans? Hardly seems like an utopia to me.

  10. So freedom of/from association for them, but not us? Got it. BTW - living in one of the whitest counties of the United States is actually kinda nice. And my entire neighborhood looks like a bag of powdered donuts.

    1. I USED to live in one of those counties up until just a couple years ago. Now, well let's just say frigging diversity has found it's way in. So what will I do? Easy. My business stays here cause the growth has been good for that. But my wife and I just had slab built for a new house yesterday. Located about 20 miles away and surrounded by nothing but farmland. I reckon my wife might be the first latin to live there, but hey, everyone that meets her loves her so it should work out just fine.

  11. Yeah.OK.,_California


  13. When they get it built an Indian couple will open a convenience store, a white guy will open a buy here pay here car lot and Theotis will sling crack on the corner. Truly Heaven on Earth.

  14. Replies
    1. As soon as it's built, the "community organizers" and "aspiring rappers" will hold a barn-razing, right after one of their fellow Afreakunts is ventilated for attempting to murder an LEO.

    2. Correct. From the folks who can't even throw a funeral without causing the next funeral.
      Would that be considered a perpetual motion machine of sorts?

    3. In this case, you misspelled "razing"

  15. Let's hope a precedent is set and more and more want to separate from us because God forbid if we suggest we want our own Communities filled with our people...It's always ironic when the parasites want to live outside the host body but still want the benefits...I say it's a good first step though it will be easier to cut them off if they are already outside..

  16. Great for them!
    All the more easier to avoid them.

  17. Finally - the Black Lives Matter and Ku Klux Klan agree ! the year 2020 is now complete - que in alien reptoids from Mars !!

  18. At the speed at which they ventilate one another, the turnover and vacancy rate should prove high. Good luck with that.

  19. "Food Desert" in 3... 2... 1...

  20. I have wished for a separatist society, for over 40 years. Anyone should know different races aren't meant to live around each other.

  21. I assume they will do this entirely through their own efforts. No connecting to general utilities, build, supply and staff their own hospital and fire department, develop their own stores, supplied entirely from Afro-American brands, import their own petrol or not use cars because Africans never invented the wheel. I didn't mention schools because that's too white and are designed to hold them back. I look forwards to seeing how it pans out in reality but right now they're about 570 acres short of a section.

  22. They tried that near where I lived. Called "Soul City".
    It flopped.....

  23. Excellent plan. Overpaid black ball bouncers could finance it. Bronnie and Colon K. will at least buy expensive condos there.


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