
Friday, September 25, 2020

Well, that made the prosecutor's job a lot easier, didn't it?

The 15-year-old charged with fatally stabbing Barnard student Tessa Majors during a park mugging was caught on a wiretap confessing to his jailed dad, sources told The Post Tuesday — as it emerged that the youngster has been indicted in yet another vicious robbery. 

Before he was arrested in the Dec. 11, 2019, slaying, Rashaun Weaver allegedly spilled his guts to his father, Clifford Weaver, in a conversation that was picked up on a recorded prison phone line at the Mohawk Correctional Facility, where the elder Weaver was being held on a parole violation. 


  1. On the other hand, it’s nice that families can get together for an occasional chat.

    1. Yup, a Fambly Reunion separated by a sheet of plexiglass and two guards always makes me feelz da warms n' fuzzies. 'Scuse me, I'm gettin' all misty eyed. Mebbe wif Daddy back in his life, jr can be brought up right......uuuumm, scratch that.

  2. Feral
    1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of a wild beast feral teeth feral instincts
    2a : not domesticated or cultivated : wild feral animals
    b : having escaped from domestication and become wild feral cats

  3. Yet another 'guess the race' moment?

    1. More and more becoming the rule rather than the exception.

    2. What planet you been living on it's always been the rule it's just now more obvious because we have alternative news sources...

  4. Replies
    1. That’s Amish youth, Amahl


  5. NYC. Di Blasio will insure he's sprung with no bail soon.

  6. The niglet was prolly confessing on his Obama phone. That should get him lots of leniency, shouldn't it?

  7. Lafonda needs to like watch her kids like closer.

  8. in a conversation that was picked up on a recorded prison phone line at the Mohawk Correctional Facility, where the elder Weaver was being held on a parole violation.

    Gee,, A Recorded prison phone,, unlike the Other prison phones,,

    And Dad had No Idea, right?

    Didnt say,, Shutup boy,, ?

    where the elder Weaver was being held on a parole violation.

    Ahh,, There it is..

    So,, Say I get my boy to confess,, How you gonna go on me?


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