
Monday, September 28, 2020

Well, this should be interesting, to say the least

Ahead of the first debate-stage matchup between President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, each campaign is promising a stark contrast in policy, personality and preparation. 

Trump has decided to skip any formal preparation. And while Biden's team believes the significance of the debate may be exaggerated, the Democratic nominee has been aggressively preparing to take on the president. 


  1. With so many people whose entire argument consists of screeching, "Raciiiiiiiiiiist" and not listening to anything anyone else says, a sad few will probably get anything out of these debates.

  2. Personality? Joe has a 'personality'?

    I'll be watching, could be fun.

    1. Biden's team is doing everything they can think of to prepare him for the debates.

      First thing on the list is plenty of rest.

  3. All Trump has to do is make some off the cuff comments directed at Joe personally that would cause him to go off script. Then Joe's tendency to ramble and speak jibberish would kick in for all those watching to plainly see.

  4. Next time you're around a Biden supporter, ask him/her "What are the top ten things that make you want to vote for Biden/Harris without mentioning Trump". I'll bet you get crickets.....

  5. Be prepared for that lowlife fooking scumbag Chris Wallace to FACT CHECK President Trump while Trump is speaking and coaching Biden through his answers when he loses his train of thought. These debates are going to be rigged, just like the 2016 version between Hitlery and President Trump. We sssoooooo dodged a huge bullet 4 years ago, I'm still thankful every day.

    I hope there's a camera looking at the podiums from behind to show the cheat tablet lighting up with the answers for Biden.


  6. Democrat handlers are preparing Biden. Come on, he'll forget everything in first 10 minutes, except maybe when he attended that black college in Delaware and 200 million Americans will die from the covids by the time the debate is over.

    1. So what? Every commie who is going to vote for Biden knows Kameltoe will be running the agenda.
      Every aspect of this "election" is a farce. The commies are already cheating the ballots, the animal protestors are setting seattle afire again, soros money is running local DA's as well as the protestors. Soros thinks he has this all wound up. That commie POS needs to be taken down, him and his whole commie family and tossed into the sea to have the crabs eat and scatter their putrid remains.

  7. Make sute Biden is reminded of Seal team 6...

  8. The hardest question for Joe: What city do the New York Yankees play in?

  9. It really doesn't matter how long Biden has been aggressively preparing to take on the president, he will muck it up by saying something stupid.


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