
Monday, September 07, 2020

What Democrat Control of the Senate Means for Gun Control

Last week, President Trump claimed the election will determine the future of private gun ownership in the United States. On Saturday, the NRA tweeted out that a Biden win “will destroy our Second Amendment.”

They are right. If Democrats gain control, Joe Biden and Senate Democrats promise a radical change in the Senate by eliminating the filibuster, which will allow them to pass any legislation that they want with a simple majority vote.


  1. And completing the trifecta, the Demoncrats have threatened to expand the Supreme Court -- allowing Biden to appoint an instant majority.

  2. If congress enacts new gun control laws or another scary rifle ban, you will see political assassinations as never before. To quote a line from a Pink Panther movie, "It will be like a shooting gallery".

  3. Hahahaha Hahahaha

    Rights come from The God Almighty.

    They can pass anything they want, REAL freemen obey Gods law not that of man.
    I will not fear for God is with me.

    Oh and don’t mind me when I park some shit in your cranial cavity. Just saying.


    Mr fbi, cia, dhs and fusion center hero these comments are for entertainment only and do not reflect any reality.

  4. Yeah, I think we're past caring or listening to whatever Congress shits outta their mouth. Time to water the Liberty Tree

  5. Paraphrasing Andrew Jackson, "The Chief Justice has made his decision; now let him enforce it."

    If such legislation is passed, every LEO, especially the Federales, in the country will have a target painted on his front and back.

  6. Well, walk around and see how many folks are wearing those slave diapers on their faces. That's how many will comply with any new gun control laws. I've even seen guys open-carrying with those damned masks on in Tractor Supply.


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