
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Yeah well, when you don't let them log that shit off.....

Two years ago scientists warned that a massive tree die-off in the Sierra Nevada could set the stage for forest conflagrations akin to World War II fire bombings.

The Creek fire, which forced the dramatic helicopter evacuations of more than 200 campers over Labor Day weekend in California, may be a hint of far worse to come in future years.


  1. These Goofy ass Environmental And Tree Hugging group should be made to pay for all the damage they caused by opposing sensible forest management. Clearing out the Dead and down trees and the understory (brush) these fires would be a lot less damaging to the forest and property. If they are billing the dumb-asses the that do gender reveals with fireworks. They need to bill the real cause of the fires and that is the environmental and tree-hugging groups.

    1. ...and the politicians that get paid off through their lobbying. Every one of these groups and pol's is as guilty as any arsonist of murder.


  2. Funny you never hear about the death & damage caused by the pine bark beetle, which has been killing whole forests since the mid-90's.
    Always the agenda, never the facts.

  3. There was one year before I retired that the Sierra National Forest logged ZERO board feet of timber off their ground. And judging from the looks of all the videos I've seen of the Creek Fire not much has changed in the twenty years since. Overcrowded stands of mature trees with standing dead trees mixed in and tons of small saplings providing perfect ladder fuels.

    The Creek Fire burned so hot on it's second day that the pyrocumulus clouds created by the heat reached heights of over 50,000 feet.

  4. Funny you never hear about the death & damage caused by the pine bark beetle, which has been killing whole forests since the mid-90's. They cut them down & pile them up away from other trees in RMNF; what do they do in CA, OR, & WA?
    Always the agenda, never the facts.

  5. We have a massive tree die off here in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Washington, caused by the pine bark beetle, also caused by lack of fire and poor forestry managment both at the state and federal level.

  6. If these idiots actually managed the forests, then we wouldn't have massive firestorms. But you can't fix stupid.

  7. Did Bill Nye the science guy have anything to do with the study?


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