
Monday, October 12, 2020

A Man vs. A Movement

I do not think the Republican leaders are framing the election properly. 

Nor are they doing a good job describing what’s at stake in this election. 

This election is a contest between a man, Donald Trump, who believes America is good, and a man, Joe Biden, who is controlled by a movement that believes America is bad. Or to put this another way, between a man who wants to preserve the American way of life and a man who will end up destroying it.  


  1. Republican politicians are merely a Deep State farm team. They're the stooge team to make the Major league Deep State team the Democrats look good during the game. The Republican team plays for money not to win.

  2. Some might say that Biden doesn't really believe in anything any more. Some say he's just reading from a script.

  3. This is all spelled out in Strauss abd Howes Thr Fourth Turning.
    Get it
    Read it
    Grok it

  4. The next election is between people that want to make America great and those which have been the problem for decades and lost power , they need to regain it so they are not drawn up on charges of treason and sedition against the country they love to hate.

  5. Leave to the "leadership" of the Republican Party to be able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The symbol for that party ought to be the jellyfish: no brains, no balls, no spine and just drifts with the current.

  6. Republicans are the Charlie Brown party and the Commiecrats are Lucy with the football.

    Just two sides of the same damned coin. I won't donate to the GOP, but I will donate to individual candidates I believe in - that I believe any of them, just that some are better than the others.


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