
Monday, October 12, 2020

It appears that Pinkerton Security and 9News stepped on their dicks

DENVER, Colorado (AP) — A private security guard working for a local TV station was jailed for investigation of first-degree murder in the deadly shooting of another man during dueling right- and left-wing protests in downtown Denver, police said Sunday.Matthew Dolloff, 30, was taken into custody in connection with a clash that took place Saturday afternoon in Civic Center Park. 

Security guards in Denver are supposed to be licensed, with additional endorsements needed to carry a firearm or operate in plainclothes, according to rules for the industry adopted by the city in 2018.

In photos from Saturday’s shooting, Dolloff did not appear to be in uniform. His name does not show up on a city-run database that lists several thousand licensed security guards. 


  1. I sincerely hope that Dolloff gets what is coming to him. I also hope the poor dead guy's family sue the TV station and Pinkerton for millions of dollars. See what happens when punk leftists carry weapons? When Dolloff gets to prison he will be turned in to someone's bitch in about 5 minutes. YAY!!!!

    1. It's always nice when a family gets a monetary reward for the life of the breadwinner/role model/stabilizing force.

      It makes them feel complete again, and sets the future right again.

      I'm glad that the judicial system can right such obvious wrongs, including the anal-raping that is threatened on normal white people that are set-upon by the media for the wrong political position.

  2. There are a number of hungry lawyers out there that just nutted reading this. Can you say "massive civil lawsuit"? Yup. Gonna be fun to watch.

  3. Here, let me help you with that headline, "9 News thug kills Patriot"

  4. Or, "9 News chooses sides, kills Patriot"

  5. Or, "9 News sides with Antifa, kills Patriot"

  6. One more, "9 News hired gun kills Patriot"

  7. So what, qualified or not.
    Their candidate is not qualified and nobody cares.


    Quotes from this update:
    "Dolloff could face a fine of up to $999 and a year in jail, Escudero said, if convicted of violating city law about security licensing.

    And the company that employs him could also face ramifications under the law – the city ordinance requires such companies to make sure all of its security guards are licensed.

    But it’s not clear who Dolloff actually works for. In a statement issued Sunday afternoon, Pinkerton officials described him as a contractor."

    Assuming the local .gov doesn't circle around to protect him as one of their own, going to be lots of lawsuits making the rounds in the near future.

    1. I live in the area. 9news is not known for factually based news. suspect every word.
      pinks disavowed this criminal.
      9news has insurance for this type of thing. lawyers need to just jump all over this.
      pinks have hired anyone willing to take their money. they are all contractors. they hold no position in the pinks company that would make the pinks liable for any of their actions,great business model.

  9. The Pinks used to work as union busters for big corporations in the iron and steel, coal, and lumber industries. In addition to corporate security and agents going undercover, they'd hire thugs to break up demonstrations.

  10. The reporter from 9News is Ms. Richardson, a known Leftist. She also took pictures of the entire sequence. Being a reporter, a Leftist and obviously starving for recognition, I would not be surprised to find she was the one who hired this "guard" and provoked this in order to gain pictures of notoriety - even Jonesing for a Pulitzer.

    1. If you watch video of the confrontation, before the shooting happened, there's a latino looking guy in a Black Guns Matter tee shirt being very confrontational. Some think he marked the victim, pointing him out to the shooter, who then walked up and tangled with the victim, who slapped him, then stepped back. Doloff immediately drew his weapon and fired. The whole incident looked staged. The latino guy is a known agitator. The whole operation was a set up, with the connivance of the 9 News op.

    2. "The reporter from 9News is Ms. Richardson, a known Leftist."

      Reporter and known Leftist are completely redunant

    3. darrell has a handle on the reality.

  11. Old Tech is right. Investigate the "9News Producer" he was supposed to be guarding. I bet she's Antifa/BLM.

  12. Remember, the Pinkertons used a bomb to murder Jesse James' 9 year old brother and blew the arm off his mother.
    They didn't think twice about murdering workers striking for better pay and working conditions.

    Some things to consider.
    The victim had been in an altercation with a little thug wearing a "Black Rifles Matter" shirt. One of the victim's partners got between those two to break it up before more serious violence started.
    At this time the victim should have rejoined his group or stood his ground. But behind BRM someone made comments(I assume) that the victim did not like. The victim then advanced on the group of malcontents behind BRM. Major mistake. The victim left the protection of his group. Just like a predator preys upon the lone prey, the malcontents will jump on a lone patriot. In a street fight, you do not want to be isolated from your group. Just like in ancient melee warfare you have to hold the line/shield wall.

    It could also be argued that advancing made the victim the aggressor. The victim had an altercation with the Pinkerton. Victim is on camera slapping the hat and glasses off the Pinkerton. I have not seen clear video of the start of this encounter. Victim then steps back raising his bear spray that was already in his hand while the Pinkerton is drawing his pistol. A second later, the victim is shot in the face.
    Cops claim to have found two firearms at the scene, some have said the victim had a handgun in a shoulder holster.
    No matter how the charges work out, the victim made the fatal mistake to advance upon the enemy without his brothers in arms.

    I have seen comments other places about the bear spray not being a "lethal weapon" so even if the victim threatened the Pinkerton with it, the Pinkerton was not justified to shoot him. Pepper spray can incapacitate you. Last year a AZ cop shot a suspect who pepper sprayed him. In the video the spray was enough to cloud the cop's bodycam.

  13. "Police Division Chief Joe Montoya said two guns were found at the scene, as well as a Mace can."
    This is the first I've heard of TWO guns being at the scene. Wouldn't it be ironic if the cops planted an unregistered gun on the victim who was there to 'back the blue'.
    Not that I'm into conspiracy theories or anything like that.

  14. Same Pinkertons that murdered Jesse James' little brother Archie and blew his mothers arm off?
    Those Pinkertons? 150 years and nothing has changed. Hopefully they will get sued out of existence for good this time.

    1. Pinkertons are Pinkertons. The agency started as murdering scum and has stayed that way ever since.

  15. The patriot that was shot was carrying a gun in a shoulder holster on his right side. The reason he slapped the murderer was because the murder was reaching for the patriot's gun.

  16. It wasn't right/left wing protests. Patriots gathered together to to support the police and their country when piece of shit BLM/Antifa sought to deprive them of their right to free speech. Shit reporting like that contained in the linked article suggests otherwise.

  17. Who is the Black Guns Matter t-shirt guy?
    You can see him pictures of him confronting a number of people that day.
    Looks like a setup. He was trying to get someone so riled up that his buddy Dolloff would have an excuse to shoot someone.
    In February a guy with the same kind of hair and the same t-shirt got in a fight with someone at a Bernie rally.


  18. I thought Black Guns Matter was conservative. They were with the Proud Boys in Michigan at the 2nd Amendment Rally. So why was this dude hassling other conservatives?

    1. Go to BLM websites and look. The BLM is very proud to inform the world they they arethe top commies of the world.

    2. Don't be fooled by appearances. Anyone can buy a t-shirt, hat, vest, whatever, and wear it. I've been to a few of these "protests" and was able to get in behind them in their staging areas and observe. I won't say how I was dressed, or how I behaved, but you'd be surprised at what you will find behind the scenes. Not every dude in a cowboy hat is a conservative. Not everyone wearing cowboy boots is a conservative. Not everyone with American flags in their vehicle is on your side. Not every dude with short hair and wearing Ranger Up, Grunt Style, or other military inspired clothing is on your side, either.

      The good guys need to work especially hard on their IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) skills, because they are being infiltrated up and down the line by agents provocateurs. Remember, the optics are everything to the commies. If they can get video that makes Patriots look stupid or felonious, it will get played on the MSM - even if they have to dress up like Patriots to make it happen.

      Also, always keep an eye on the orange vests/red shirts/or some other orange marker folks - often wearing "Press" badges. They are the NCO's, so to speak. They take their orders from unseen "officers", usually sitting in a vehicle behind the action.

  19. They pieced together the photos to show what happened.
    Notice they left out "who drew first".

  20. Odds are nothing of significance will happen to Doloff...he MIGHT get fined for posing as a security guard without a license. The DA in Denver is very liberal....almost certainly will NOT charge him with any thing serious. News9 and Pinkerton will get sued, probably settle out of court and this one gets swept under the rug. After ground apes were harmed so no big deal.


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