
Friday, October 09, 2020

"And inhale as you're shoveling food into your mouth"

The California governor's office put out a tweet on Saturday advising that restaurant-goers keep their masks on while dining. "Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?" the tweet reads. "Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites. Do your part to keep those around you healthy." 


  1. And when you piss in the pool, only let 1/2 out on each end. Fuckin idiots.

  2. I'll bet there is no shortage of idiots in CA doing just that

    1. My daughter in Santa Barbara tells me lots of people are waking up. Not "woke", but actually discovering that their hip dems are really commies and they want no more of it.

      PBR is moving clean out of LA and into their brewery in San Antonio. It's gotta be the water. Horse piss is horse piss no matter where it is brewed.

  3. "Members of your household"? If my wife and I are at a restaurant and someone tells us we have to wear masks between bites, my response will be simple. "Are you kidding? I was banging her like a screen door in a tornado last night. What difference is a mask going to make when we're sitting across the table from each other?"

  4. If Kamala blows Willie does she have to keep her mask on between swallows?

  5. Now, now, no cause for concern. This was enacted as a plausible way to avoid having to endure mouth-breathers shoveling tacos and gorditas into their ample pie holes. Now put yourself in their shoes; would you be willing to watch the local chapter of MS13 while they dined on spaghetti pompadoro, laughing and carrying on- chewing with their mouths open and shit.
    Now see? If they had to wear masks they would be more subdued and you wouldn't have watch them picking any one of their 8 teeth and 2 grillz.
    Modern problems require modern solutions (hat tip to Dave Chapelle)

  6. I still want to see a creative person make a clip of the Noxzema girl from the 60's saying "Take it off, take it off, take it all off", with clips of men taking their masks off. Especially in time to the shaving tune "( yeah-that tune)"!!Then a Shirley Bassey sound alike with a slightly altered "The closer you get....."

  7. We're changing "mask" to "newsom". Everybody I run into out here hate the son of a bitch.


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