
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Any excuse for a riot

PORTLAND, Ore. (NewsNation Now) — Portland police say protesters overturned statues of former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and smashed the windows of several buildings on Sunday night. 

The protests were held in a declaration of “rage” toward Columbus Day. 


  1. These people would riot if they had a pimple on their asses. They have no cause. They are so pissed at their worthlessness and are acting out like the petulant children they are. They just like to break, burn and fuck things up. Twenty some year old tantrums. They have no clue what an education is out behind the barn.

  2. Haven't they run out of statues by now? that city must've been loaded with them

    1. Yeah, but they won't topple the statues of Lenin and Marx.

  3. Arrest and deport. They don't appreciate their own history so let them go to a country which practices what they themselves preach. I hear Venezuela promises lots of freebies.


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