
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

PG&E: 50K customers in 21 NorCal counties could be impacted by PSPS

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company is preparing for another round of potential Public Safety Power Shutoffs as soon as Wednesday evening. 


  1. PG&E bankruptcy and Mexifornia state takeover in

  2. If California takes over PGE I'm sure they'll run it with as much expertise and success as a Venezuelan oil company.

  3. Yep, my daughter is losing power yet again... sigh

  4. We went through 6 of the 7 PSPSs last year, a total of almost nine days without PG&E power starting in mid September. We have yet to have our power turned off this year. PG&E is getting this dialed in. In a perverse way I'm rooting for them, as I trust them more that the state government of California, which is itching to take them over.

    I'll keep you posted with further developments


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