
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

"Where's my gun? Where's my gun?"

I found what I thought were bobcats on the trail during a run.  Turns out they were cougar cubs and their mother was not happy to see me.  She follows me for over six minutes acting very aggressive while I walk backwards up the trail. Very scary cougar encounter.

VIDEO HERE (6 minutes)



  1. That reminds me. It's time to walk out to the road and get the morning paper... with my .357 Magnum.
    "Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” —Thomas Jefferson

  2. It's not fun to play when you're the prey.
    A few months ago a lady walking saw a calf under a tree in a pasture. Thinking it would make a great selfie, she hopped the fence. Momma cow was not happy.

  3. Unbelievable except video. Pretty cool though.

  4. Been there done that, in the woods on a ground stand hunt. Fell asleep and woke up to a growl, THAT WAS NOT A BOBCAT. I never looked back. I just flipped the safety off my 270 and held my 357 COLT PYTHON in my other. As soon as I was clear, I beat feet.

  5. I encountered cougars almost every day on the way home from work. Then I found a cheaper bar.

    1. Those aren't cougar, they're baracudas

    2. Thanks. The both of you owe me for a new monitor and a mouthful of rye whiskey.


  6. Those rocks could have been helpful. Of course one has to toss them.

    1. Truly. It took the stupid fucker long enough to pick up a rock and throw it, didn't it?

  7. My daughter texted me that video. I told her that seeing the cub would be the time for me to do a curly shuffle the hell outta there. NYAHHH AHH AHH WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP...I certainly wouldn't have dug in my pocket for my phone to make a video.

    That happened to me hiking in the mountains. Only I saw the cub staring at me about 20 yds away, And I turned on my heels and curly shuffled before Mama would see me.

    Pro Tip: When you see a cub, mama is certain to be nearby and will more than likely curb stomp you (figuratively speaking)

  8. That's why you should carry a laser around with you, or even a ball of string. Could have distracted that cat and gotten away.

    Seriously, though - no survival instinct at all. I saw several dead limbs that could have been picked up or broken off. A stick is much better than a bare hand and a cell phone camera.

    1. Sure and why not some catnip. That shit like stoner stuff to cats. Morons. Carry a gun.

    2. After one of the last Mountain Lion Incidents in California. Tam K had about the most Apropos statement about dealing with mountain lions she said if you are not carrying a gun you have to go all Neanderthal on it. Make yourself as big and as badass as possible pick up rocks, sticks or anything else to use as a weapon including your voice Go all 1950's Drill Sgt on the Lion. Do not turn your back on it if at all possible.

  9. What's "Tueller radius" for a cougar?

  10. My oldest and I ran into a black bear sow with 2 cubs last week, while hiking a nearby
    ravine. I always carry my pistol, and we were far enough away when they saw us coming.
    We only saw them, as they ran away.

    And that's the key point- they saw us coming.
    You're safe to assume there's a predator in EVERY environment you enter, and that they'll spot you first. After all, that's what predators DO.

    Your job is to be prepared for them, when that occurs.

  11. Guy was a moron that wanted instagram game notice that as soon as he threw the rock which he could of done at anytime the cat took off...

  12. What an idiot! I never go hiking or walking in my Utah neighborhood (which ain't far from this moron) without both dogs and my .45. I would have shot that fucking kitty. What an artard.

  13. The minute he bent down to pick up a rock she would have been on him like white on rice.

    He did great, stand tall/look big and DON'T turn your back on her...


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