
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

So much for the peaceful Country Life

SEVINGTON – Four years after Britain voted to leave the European Union, Brexit can still seem abstract. But in the county known as the Garden of England, it is literally taking concrete form. 

Just beyond the ancient oaks and yews that surround medieval St. Mary's Church in the village of Sevington, bulldozers, dump trucks and cement mixers swarm noisily over a field. They are chewing up land to create part of Britain’s new border with the European Union — a customs clearance depot with room for up to 2,000 trucks. 


  1. Who chose the site?

    Any time you threaten to lower taxes it's always the firefighters, teachers and cops they take the money away from first. As punishment.

    1. The other punishment government does is to close rest areas.

  2. Uh, wouldn't they already have some kind of facilities either as check points or other as part of the EU or prior that could be reused or perhaps repurposed?

    1. No, the EU as a whole was a free trade and free movement of goods and people so no check points like are borders. With Brexit they are building check points!!! grayman


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