
Monday, October 26, 2020

Be patient, Honza - there's somebody for everybody

A high-flying technology expert who has had £15,000 of filler injected into his face in an attempt to look like Barbie has admitted his appearance often puts women off. 

Honza Šimša, 26, from Brno, Czech Republic, is sexually attracted to women and dresses in standard office attire for work, but in his spare time prefers to wear false lashes, heels and colourful wigs. 

He describes himself as a fan of the 'plastic, doll-like look' and currently has 90ml of filler in his face.

Some of the monthly injections to his lips, cheeks and chin are administered to him for free by a qualified friend. 


  1. Good Gawd we shoot shit that looks like that in these hills .

  2. Maybe he can find a gal(???) who wants to look like Ken.....

  3. I know some hookers who would make him wear a bag. Jeez...

  4. Grind that thing up for pig food.


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