
Monday, October 26, 2020

This make my butthole clench just looking at it



  1. That's why I come to Kennys place several times daily . I get my butthole clenched and I'm getting to like it . Ha!Ha!Ha! I'm driving my old Ford down to the Cherokee Lake area next week to visit some kin folk . Watch out for an old Buckeye Boomer in a red 4wd F250 . Probably be a Rottweiler in the passenger seat. The brother in law bought me some local shine and I'm bringing a load of round bales back with me . Tennessee grows the best hay in the USA !

  2. I knew a guy that did the same thing to his nut sack with the zipper on a sleeping bag. He had to go to a doctor to get it unzipped.

  3. ok, I'm gonna the HELL did he get his eyelid in it???

  4. Aww, Come on, do I have to say it?
    Looking for Love in all the wrong places!

    I slay me, Starker

  5. What in the wild world of sports is going on here...


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