
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Biden: Republicans are ‘packing the court now’

Joe Biden commented on criticism directed at him in response to his previous statement that he would not talk about the potential Democrat strategy to add Supreme Court seats until after the election. 

Biden was on his way to board a plane to his next stop on the campaign trail, and stopped briefly to say this to reporters: 


  1. Democrats have said "Nothing is off the table" regarding statehood for Puerto Rico & D.C. & 'packing' the Supreme Court. I hope when Trump is re-elected, he says, "Yunno, I think the Democrats had a good idea: I'm going to nominate four more judges to the Supreme Court." 'Sploidy heads!

    1. Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 creates the requirement for a federal district to host the federal government. The Demonrats know this. They're just trying to confuse uneducated voters into thinking that by Congressional fiat they can make DC a state. Ain't happenin' without a change to the Constitution.


  2. If Joe and the Hoe win we are doomed!

  3. From the link, Biden says, “We should be focused on what’s going on now.”

    Yep. What’s going on now is a doddering old fuckstick controlled by the most liberal idiots imaginable running for the highest office in the country.

  4. Joe and the Democrats are banking that their base is dumb enough to believe that. Packing the court would be when more justices are added not when a justice is nominated to replace one.

  5. Pack the Supreme Court? I think the main thing Biden would like to pack is a 12 year old's peanut butter while sniffing her hair.

    1. Shhhhh, you better go copyright that idea before Netflix runs with it.

  6. Hoping the Commie has a massive coronary that removes the possiblity of it needing breakfast ever again


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