
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Commentary: Health Professionals Say Lockdowns Were a Massive Mistake

President Trump caused a bit of a commotion this week when he didn’t die from the coronavirus. Much to the dismay of many folks on the left, he seems to be making a nice recovery from his illness. Perhaps what has offended people more than his continued life is the bravado that he is projecting post-hospitalization at Walter Reed. On Monday, he tweeted in part, “Feeling really good. Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.” You can almost imagine the blood vessels popping in folks’ eyes over at CNN and MSNBC. In these politically polarized times, while half the country mourns the commander-in-chief’s apparent survival, perhaps it’s worthwhile for all Americans (and indeed, folks all around the world) to reconsider the level of pure panic and fear that our governments and the media have instilled in us. 


  1. Does make one wonder what they treated him with. Inquiring mind and all that

    1. The steroids are what made him feel better. Feel better. Get better. All part of the positive mental attitude of healing.

    2. An IV of Vitamin D, C, and a couple of the Bs (can't remember which ones) plus Zinc to give his immune system a boost. Some white cells wouldn't hurt either.

  2. Remember, more that 60% of "pandemic" is "panic".

  3. Well, I dunno about "health professionals" in general, but *this* MD thinks the lockdowns are idiotic, have resulted in more death and debility than we will ever know [1], and are 98% political theater.

    You can broadly split physicians into academic (e.g. at university hospitals) and community/nonacademic. The academics tend to be liberal, and the nonacademics more conservative. But more than the practicing MDs, the School of Public Health and the Epidemiology-type people are overwhelmingly "progressive". They generally purely HATE Trump, want open borders and globalization, socialized medicine, and have contempt for the ordinary person (not overtly, but they mostly think they're the cognitive elite).

    [1] People are not calling 911 when having heart attacks for fear of catching The China Plague from the EMS folks. Cardiac catheterization labs have seen a 38% drop in STEMI (major heart attack) presentations since The Plague. New cancer diagnoses are down 46% because people have been told to NOT show up for routine cancer screening. Do masks prevent heart attack and cancer? Or is it that this bullshit hysteria is having major adverse effects on outcome of non-COVID disease that result in mortality and major, life-altering morbidity.

  4. Far left and far right... never waste a good tragedy. This is a "plandemic." Good news is Trump is not a politician... thank God!

  5. The researchers don't even have an isolated specimen of the virus to work with. In other words, there's no "proof" that Covid 19 even exists.


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